PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Big Problem.. [Solved]

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Hello everyone,

This morning not very awake visibly, I was wrong to power and plugged 16v into the PreenFM2 ...
This one does not turn on anymore, could you help me?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


Can you power it up via USB?

Hello,Sorry for the response time.

 I tried but it does not work ..

The screen does not display anything when I plug in the power supply but the LEDs respond the time of a blinking.

I noticed that the usb key had burned out, I replaced it but still nothing.

It's a shame I think it's a very good synth. :-\


I feel your pain. That truly sucks.

I've taken to color coding my power cables. Put a little blob of nailpolish or coloured tape or something. It's all too easy to mix them up when you've got a tangle of black cables.


Your 7805 maybe dead.
Plug a USB cable that provides directly 5V and check voltage as descibed message #6 here :

If the leds blinks it means the preenF405 is still allive. Does it still make sound ?
If yes he problem can be the only the screen.


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