Author Topic: 1.00 : finally  (Read 102677 times)


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Re: 1.B2 Firmware January 26th
« Reply #45 on: January 30, 2014, 07:24:27 PM »
Rest Algos are OK

Have to say that i found PFM2 sounding quite impressive being fiddling with Algos and modulation matrix. Found interesting tricks panning hard left and right carriers with slightly detuned modulators. Sometimes it can sound like inside your head  :D

What do you think about scrolling backwards pages in sections with Menu button being hold? It can save button clicks, perhaps. I found one direction scrolling tiresome a bit in some sections(Env, Mtx)


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Re: 1.B2 Firmware January 26th
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2014, 08:38:05 PM »
hi if you hold the button you want to scroll back or forward and turn any encoder it should work


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Re: 1.B2 Firmware January 26th
« Reply #47 on: January 30, 2014, 10:28:58 PM »

Kuzma, thanks again... great work.
I didn't expect so many problem s ::)

I'll fix that this W.E.

Yes you can navigate by holding down one of the 5 left buttons and turning any encoder.
I'll add a double press: Button + Neighbour => previous row.



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Re: 1.B2 Firmware January 26th
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2014, 11:03:12 AM »
I tried  hold button + scroll encoder and found this combination sufficient. thanks!


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2014, 10:34:07 PM »
Quote from: Kuzma_p
Algo 19 : Op1<Op2<Op3 Tone is flanging, while all 3 have Freq 1.00 and FTun 0.00. IM1 and IM2 are around 2-3 and so on
Algo 20 : Mix3 doesn't affect Op4 level
Algo 23 : Excess Mix6
Algo 24 : Mix2 doesn't affect Op3 Level. IM2 doesn't work until you tweak Mix3. Something strange with Pan3
Algo 26 : Mix4 doesn't affect Op6 level
Algo 27 : When i muted Ops 2 3 4 5 6 in Eng section, i found that i can not edit Shape, FTyp, Freq and FTun of Op1. Then i detected the same with Op2.

I think i fixed them all in 1.B3.
Not sure about Algo24.

Thanks again  :)

Quote from: Kuzma_p
Got crash while tweaking Algo 11 + heavy modulation matrix usage:
HrdFlt         LR:0807B5D3
0805816C       89000000
1000B1CC       1000AE8C
0FFFFFFFC       1000ADFC

Hopefully fixed...

+ other new features in 1.B3. See first post.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 10:35:45 PM by Xavier »


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #50 on: February 02, 2014, 10:53:28 AM »
Everything seems to work fine now.


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #51 on: February 02, 2014, 11:19:21 AM »
I made this example as i spotted this noise artifacts some time ago:

I set up Algo27 with all Ops to produce sines with different Freqs (1.00 + 1.50 + 2.00 + 2.50 + 3.00 + 4.00 and some fine tunings). All releases are around 4.00. I'm gradually lowering level with volume knob (not until the zero) and then raising output level back with shapes switched to saws.

Does it sound like expected? Or maybe i should resolder some parts after DACs?


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2014, 10:46:25 PM »
"Like expected" not really but like it is, i'm afraid yes.

You got here the worse scenario of the ratio signal/noise + the strange/noisy behaviour of the pot volume (specified in the FAQ).
The Algo27 is the one that has the less volume per Operator.
Then pure sinusoid (without any IM) is where this is the more obvious.

I would advise to set the number of voices to the minimum that you use + set to 0 the number of voice of the timbre you don't use.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 11:26:32 PM by Xavier »


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #53 on: February 03, 2014, 07:54:23 AM »
OK, i see.
This does not cause any discomfort to me.


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #54 on: February 04, 2014, 10:01:54 PM »
I have a weird problem that happens with most algos. Actually so far it seems to happen with all of them except the first two
The PreenFM crashes with this error message:
Code: [Select]
HrdFlt  LR:08054391
08079C44   29000000
1000AB08   00000001
00000025   00000001

edit: did some more tests and the crash only seems to happen when more than one note is being played at the same time (like when playing chords).
Algos that procude the crash: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... I did test some randomly past that and it seems to be the same for all of them except the first two...
The error code is always more or less the same (didn't verify all of them, but it seems like only the penultimate group of figures changes
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 10:11:47 PM by kurodama »


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #55 on: February 04, 2014, 11:48:26 PM »
I have a weird problem that happens with most algos. Actually so far it seems to happen with all of them except the first two
The PreenFM crashes with this error message:
Code: [Select]
HrdFlt  LR:08054391
08079C44   29000000
1000AB08   00000001
00000025   00000001

edit: did some more tests and the crash only seems to happen when more than one note is being played at the same time (like when playing chords).
Algos that procude the crash: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... I did test some randomly past that and it seems to be the same for all of them except the first two...
The error code is always more or less the same (didn't verify all of them, but it seems like only the penultimate group of figures changes

Thanks for the display copy.
Do you use firmware 1.B3 ? (I'll add the firmware version in the Stack log)

The HardFault occurs when the Preen try to allocate a new voice after a noteOn midi event.
First question, do you use midi on Din5 Jack or though USB ?
After switching on the Preen, does it occures before loading any presets/combo ?

Could you check if you have a file called "DFLTCMBO.pfm" in your /pfm2 directory.
If you have one could you attached it in this thread ?
Then remove it from your USB drive.

This is your default combo file.. if you saved it through the menu.
If it contains some wrong "number of voice" for the different instruments it could produce this stack.



« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 11:58:07 PM by Xavier »


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #56 on: February 05, 2014, 01:31:25 PM »
Thanks Xavier!
Do you use firmware 1.B3 ? (I'll add the firmware version in the Stack log)
yes I just upgraded to the last version and I have the same problem
First question, do you use midi on Din5 Jack or though USB ?
DIN MIDI, haven't tried USB but will do this evening when I'm back home
After switching on the Preen, does it occures before loading any presets/combo ?
no it does not.
Could you check if you have a file called "DFLTCMBO.pfm" in your /pfm2 directory.
If you have one could you attached it in this thread ?
Then remove it from your USB drive.
Ok, I'll check this evening. Do I have to remove the USB stick from the Preen to access its contents btw?

I should probably mention that I replaced the default combo with my own, which is basically the same patch on all instruments with all parmeters set to zero.


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2014, 02:42:34 PM »
Ok, I'll check this evening. Do I have to remove the USB stick from the Preen to access its contents btw?

I should probably mention that I replaced the default combo with my own, which is basically the same patch on all instruments with all parmeters set to zero.

If you have Bootloader 1.10 you don't need to open the Preen.
Plug an USB cable from your computer to your preenFM.
Entre bootloader mode, press "Eng". Wait a few seconds, the stick content should show up on your computer screen.

It must be your default combo. I'l like to give a look if you can share it.


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2014, 07:55:29 PM »
I've followed your instructions and here is the DFLTCMBO.pfm file.
let me know if you need me to send/test/troubleshoot anything else!


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Re: 1.B3 Firmware February 1st
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2014, 08:57:48 PM »
Now that I have deleted the DFLTCMBO.pfm file I've tested everything again and I can confirm that the problem was solved.