PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Exponential Envelope Option?

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Naive Teen Idol:
I was wondering: is it possible to create an option to use exponential envelopes? My understanding is that PFM2 uses linear envelopes, but my sense is that exponential would help with some of the percussion sounds where a slightly faster attack would be appropriate.

Not sure if this would be a global parameter or per sound. But is something like that doable?

i fear the envelopes are already exponential, at least the useful parts :

with an attack set to zero and a short decay, you can get snappy envelopes.
maybe add some click part to the sound to make it more percussive ?

Yes, but i think what he meant was for the attack which would require an exponential in the opposite direction.
I have no idea whether it would really impact the sound.

For the moment attack is linear.

Naive Teen Idol:
Thanks to you both. I am hesitant to even mention this because I hate when people compare the DX7 to the Preen. But here is an example of my Preen playing a single operator at the fastest attack and the DX7 (please ignore the hiss from the Preen -- this was a quick example so I didn't plug in directly to my output ... also, this is from Dexed, a DX7 emulator, but this is consistent w my experience with the actual hardware as well):

There is a bright "clickiness" to every note on the DX that is not present on the Preen. You can even get it when you turn all the EG levels on a DX to 0 but leave the attack EG level at 99. A lot of the time, sound designers will add a little attack time to get rid of the sound where it's not appropriate -- but percussion sounds often utilize it to their advantage.

Again, I hate to mention this because I think people spend too much time comparing the two synths and the Preen is wonderful and a million times more flexible. And I'm not sure exactly what is in the DX7 code that accounts for it -- a little research suggests that Yamaha "faked" an exponential shape. But regardless, this would be a great feature to have given how full-bodied this synthesizer already sounds.

Hi please implement this! The attack stage has to be exponential in order for humans to perceive the response as linear. This thread supports this and I'm sure there is other data out there. A linear envelope won't be as snappy and or do modulation sweeps the same. I'm on the fence about buying one and this issue is really the deal breaker


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