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Audio Output from SMD version

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--- Quote from: ericd on June 07, 2020, 03:52:26 PM ---The person who made the SMD version did actually make a thread on this forum.

--- End quote ---

If i followed correctly, No, it's a different one.
The SMD thread here was very interesting, the guy designed something new with 2 MCU and lots of changes.
It was very interesting and it's very well documented on his site.

And that's not the case at all of the SMD version you can buy online which is a copy of the existing PCB.
But it's not forbiden, it's just not very fair.

oh its a different guy?  my bad.

I hope this thread helps someone learn about this before purchasing an SMD version. I haven't found anywhere else where this is discussed to inform potential buyers. It would definitely have changed my decision if I had known.


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