Author Topic: Using more than one NRPN per channel at the same time  (Read 5335 times)


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Using more than one NRPN per channel at the same time
« on: February 04, 2021, 02:50:25 AM »
Hello. I am loving my new PFM2. Have spent a lot of time with it, and the VST is incredibly useful.

I do a lot of midi sequencing for note and CC values from an Elektron Digitakt, which allows for sending 8 cc's per MIDI track multiplied by the number of tracks assigned to the same channel.

I looked over the CC reference for the PFM2, which got me to try using NRPN parameters for the first time and realized that, the way that the Digitakt is formatted, it would appear that only one NRPN can be in use per channel at a time (or maybe one NRPN parameter per MSB? Haven't tried that yet). It's because you have to use four of the eight parameters if you want to use all MSB/LSB/coarse/fine. If I line up to NRPN parameters, using all 8 CC's on that track, both of the coarse/fine tuning only correspond to the most recently changed of either LSB, for example changing the LSB of the top row of MSB/LSB/C/F, will make both coarse and both fine knobs on that page change the same parameter.

Is there a way around this, where I can use multiple NRPNs per channel? Thanks. No big deal if that isn't the case, I'm gonna be rocking out on this thing either way!


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Re: Using more than one NRPN per channel at the same time
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2021, 08:47:08 AM »
NRPN use 4 CC for each PARAM. That's a standard. 2 CC for the param number and 2 CC for the param values.
If you use specific CC to deal with NRPN the order is very important.

Controllers with NRPN support allow you to directly enter NRPN params and value and deal with the midi output.

It seems Digitakt only deal with CC and you cannot make sure what the order is... which seems to be your problem.
So you have to stick with CC and not use NRPN.

I hope i understood your problem correctly :)


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Re: Using more than one NRPN per channel at the same time
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2021, 09:12:28 AM »
You definitely understood my problem, thank you Xavier. Looks like the Digitakt is NRPN compatible for one parameter per channel, which is still very handy.


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Re: Using more than one NRPN per channel at the same time
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2021, 09:43:24 AM »
You definitely understood my problem, thank you Xavier. Looks like the Digitakt is NRPN compatible for one parameter per channel, which is still very handy.

I'm curious to know what NRPN param you need to control that is not availble with CC ?


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Re: Using more than one NRPN per channel at the same time
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2021, 10:18:44 AM »
Sorry for the late response, Xavier. I think at the time it was the envelope decay of all of the operators that I was trying to modulate separately. I worked around it by setting them as the performance parameters and it works great  :)