PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Stm32F4Discovery port

<< < (4/14) > >>

Many thanks! I don't know why Eclipse was giving weird errors. I'll try this out tonight and compare it to my FS1r.

Quick question: will this firmware work without an LCD attached?

Here were my errors compiling the boot binary:

--- Code: ---C:\preenFM2\trunk>make boot
arm-none-eabi-c++  -Tlinker_bootloader/stm32f4xx.ld  -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mf
loat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -gc-sections --specs=nano.specs   build/BootLoad
er.o build/usb_storage_usr.o build/usbd_storage_desc.o build/usbd_storage.o buil
d/usbKey_usr.o build/usb_bsp.o build/Encoders.o build/LiquidCrystal.o build/UsbK
ey.o build/Storage.o build/Common.o build/system_stm32f4xx.o build/stm32f4xx_gpi
o.o build/stm32f4xx_rcc.o build/stm32f4xx_flash.o build/stm32f4xx_usart.o build/
ff.o build/fattime.o build/usb_core.o build/usb_hcd.o build/usb_hcd_int.o build/
usb_dcd.o build/usb_dcd_int.o build/usbh_core.o build/usbh_hcs.o build/usbh_iore
q.o build/usbh_stdreq.o build/usbh_msc_core.o build/usbh_msc_bot.o build/usbh_ms
c_scsi.o build/usbh_msc_fatfs.o build/usbd_core.o build/usbd_ioreq.o build/usbd_
req.o build/usbd_msc_bot.o build/usbd_msc_core.o build/usbd_msc_data.o build/usb
d_msc_scsi.o build/misc.o build/startup_bootloader.o -o build/p2_boot_1.11.elf
build/BootLoader.o: In function `BootLoader::initKey()':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:121: undefined reference to `Usb
build/BootLoader.o: In function `BootLoader::burnFlash()':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:384: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::loadFirmwarePart(char*, int, void*, int)'
build/BootLoader.o: In function `BootLoader::process()':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:141: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::readNextFirmwareName(char*, int*)'
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:157: undefined reference to `Usb
build/usbd_storage.o: In function `STORAGE_GetCapacity(unsigned char, unsigned l
ong*, unsigned short*)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/usbd_storage.c:138: undefined reference to `Usb
build/usbd_storage.o: In function `STORAGE_Read(unsigned char, unsigned char*, u
nsigned long, unsigned short)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/usbd_storage.c:180: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::diskioRead(unsigned char*, int, int)'
build/usbd_storage.o: In function `STORAGE_Write(unsigned char, unsigned char*,
unsigned long, unsigned short)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/usbd_storage.c:195: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::diskioWrite(unsigned char*, int, int)'
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::copy(char*, char const*, int)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:36: undefined reference to `preenMain
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::copy_string(char*, char const*)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:554: undefined reference to `midiConf
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:554: undefined reference to `midiConf
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::copy(char*, char const*, int)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:36: undefined reference to `preenMain
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::getValue(char*, char*)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:601: undefined reference to `midiConf
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [build/p2_boot_1.11.elf] Error 1

--- End code ---

I've never tried it without LCD. The control surface works exactly the same way as the original pFM2, I didn't change it.
Related to build errors I'm sorry, but I'm not an expert in it.

No problem - I at least have your bootloader and I finally managed to get the rest compiled.

I'll get an LCD to test it.

Thanks again, norbim1.

I built a low budget PreenFM (first version) using home made pcb and a maple mini clone, with a cheap 2004 LCD bought fm ebay...It works quite well!
Now I want to start the PreenFM 2 project on a low budget! I don't have the skill to code and compile the firmware...
Your stm32f4 Discovery porting is the best choice for me..
The questions are:
1) Is it possible to use your compiled bin (boot and firmware) using an ordinary (not oled) lcd (20*04)?
2) Once I've uploaded your boot loader to the Discovery board, is it possible to use the official and updated compiled firmware without any change?
2) What about the audio out quality of the Discovery? Could you please post some audio demo?

Thank you very much for your kindly reply!

S. Rizzo


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