PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Help! Experiencing a lot of problems

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You should have a look at the building information :
Specially the part about JMP1, JMP2 & JMP3.

You have an old bootloader....
Start from scratch and flash both the bootloader and firmware :


Thank you, Xavier. I figured out how to use the jumpers, and I also realized the LCD resistor you were referring to (so obvious!).

When I hold down the Mtx button I get the ST32F4 DFU screen, but I can't do anything from there. I've been trying to do what the burn firmware page says for the last couple of days, but that's where things get frustrating. I put the files on the USB stick and nothing happens. When I plug the PreenFM into my computer, my computer does not recognize the USB (I get the white squares as mentioned in the FAQ). I downloaded Zadig, and Zadig cannot find the STM32 bootloader. I hoped that reformatting the USB stick would solve the problem, but nothing's changed. The USB stick should be fine, since the person before me used it (I had to erase the original files to format it), but obviously something is wrong.

Also, what does that sysex upgrade page mean? I searched for it on Google, and I couldn't find anything about it....


2 different things : bootlader and firmware.
Forget sysex upgrade... it's not supported anymore.
To upgrade the bootloader no choice: you have to use the DFU method.

But upgrading the bootlader is not 100% required.
You should be able to flash the firmware (the real preenfm2 "OS") puting the firmware in the /pfm2/ folder on your USB stick.
By booting on the bootlodare and chosing "USB upgrade" or what is written in your old 1.00 bootloader.

--- Quote from: ItalianOx on January 25, 2015, 07:22:15 PM ---When I hold down the Mtx button I get the ST32F4 DFU screen, but I can't do anything from there.

--- End quote ---

What do you see ?
What do you NOT see ?

On the PreenFM I see "PreenFM bootloader v1.00 !STM32F4 USB DFU!". Nothing can change the screen unless I turn off the PreenFM. I don't understand your question, "What do you not see?"

On my USB stick, I have the /pfm2/ directory from the downloads page ( USB section), the /build/ folder from firmware 1.06, and the 4 dfu files from the binaries download (I found it searching in the forum, the actual website doesn't seem to work anymore). Am I missing anything?


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