PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Thoughts about operator tuning

<< < (3/5) > >>

cool, i did it! it works, and it sounds nice.... i had to widen the detune range to -9.99 to 9.99 but that has no side effects i think.

i can share a compiled firmware if somebody is interested.

xavier, why is detune hidden when ftype is fixed but it still affects the fixed frequency in the osc.cpp?

I'd be very interested indeed!

i have a firmware with some other changes here, will make one with only the hertz change in the next days...

there you go. did the mod on the stock firmware in the train, so i could not test, but it compiles, so should be fine...

let me know


Nice..   :)
I didn't try it, but if i have time to make a 2.08 it will be part of it.
Do you have the source available somewhere ?


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