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Messages - jaradical

Pages: [1]

I've seen this too and use the info in this thread:

By pushing "MENU and +" I can get the screen back.

As in the original thread I see this happening more often when there's lots of MIDI activity on the DIN input - but I don't think it's related to screen updates on the preenfm3, because often the activity is for channels that are not configured for the preenfm3 - so it's not doing anything.  To me it's either electrical noise from the MIDI DIN in circuit, or perhaps some realtime midi messages?


preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PC/MAC preenfm editor 3.1.4 (Preenfm2 Unison)
« on: December 07, 2021, 09:40:44 AM »
Hi All,

I just got the Host version built on Linux.  To get it to work I grabbed the latest JUCE release (6.1.2) here
I fired up the Projucer on the pfm2Editor.jucer file then went to the Modules section.
Each module I updated the 'Paths for "Linux Makefile - Builds/Linux"' to JuceLibraryCode.
I also ticked Create local copy, although I'm not sure if this helped or not.
Then I saved the project and a new Makefile was created.
I was getting a couple of compilation errors - one about runModalLoop not existing.
To fix that, I edited the Host/Builds/Linux Makefile and added "-DJUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED=1" to the JUCE_CPPFLAGS definition.
The other was about some loss of precision in casting - to fix that I again updated the JUCE_CPPFLAGS by adding '-fpermissive'.

Finally everything seems to have built okay and I can launch the editor.  Haven't yet plugged my pfm3 into it, but at least it's built.


preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Preenfm3 DIY build - kit from Van Daal Electronics
« on: November 06, 2021, 12:32:36 PM »
G'day All,

Last night I made some time to build the preenfm3 kit I bought from Van Daal Electronics.
It was a successful build, the guide was detailed and easy to follow and everything worked first time.

Here are some pictures of the build if you are interested:

I wanted to say thanks to Xavier and Ardi for putting all of this together and releasing it as they do. 
I'm looking forward to getting to know the synth and learning more about FM synthesis.


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