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Messages - JohnSilence

Pages: [1]
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: User Waveforms
« on: August 16, 2021, 06:10:32 PM »
Hi all,

I hope it’s okay for me to piggyback some thoughts about custom waveforms in Phil’s thread. I’ve had this in my work email drafts folder for a week or two but haven’t gotten over here to post it until now.

The ability to use waveforms other than the standard TX81Z set is really cool and opens up sound design possibilities. I haven't spent much time with the FM3 to know the ins and outs of custom waveforms, but I've read some here on the forum and have a few requests.

* Would it be possible to have the Preen utilize single cycle .wav files so no intermediary software like Audacity is needed to convert custom waveforms to text files? For example, Adventure Kid has a ton of single cycle waveforms that would be fun to play with.

Skipping the conversion step for these would be nice, in particular because there's some privacy concerns about upcoming versions of Audacity. If there's a way to handle this from within the Mac/PC editor, that would work fine. I haven't tried it out yet to see.

* Could we also have more slots for waveforms than six custom waveforms? Tripling that to 18 would work for me. I read something in an old post (which I think was for the original PreenFM) about there being 64k available for waveforms, but I'm wondering and hoping that some waveforms could be stored where presets are stored and then shuffled into memory when needed. Note: I don't code at all so have no idea how painful implementing that would be.

If this is low (or no) priority stuff, I get it. Many custom waveforms won’t make great modulators, though many are worthy of being tried as carriers. I think it would be neat to have more flexibility here, if that’s possible.

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