PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

changing patches

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I have only been using my PreenFM2 for about a week on and off, and really enjoy it. I have what amounts to a silly question: Using the control surface, how do I change patches, other than loading them off the USB stick?

i.e. is there a bank of 128 patches like on the Shruthi, or is it just load the patch you like off the USB stick?


I'm not sure i understand your question.
What is the problem loading the presets from the USB stick ?

There are several banks you should see under load menu:

The banks must be installed in the /pfm2 of your USB drive which must be formated in FAT32.

Download the banks here :

Don't forget to also copy the DX7 sysex files in /pfm2/DX7.

Does that answer your question ?


There is no on-board memory for patch banks, that's what the USB stick does. It's really the same thing, it's just a different storage location.

Thank you both very much. I have the patches on the USB stick and easily load them. The amount of storage is awesome.

@xavier I had intended to ask was there something more akin to a typical onboard patch memory. If I send the unit a program change, how would it respond? Would it try and load the next patch from the USB stick?


--- Quote from: matrix12x on March 19, 2014, 03:33:50 AM ---@xavier I had intended to ask was there something more akin to a typical onboard patch memory. If I send the unit a program change, how would it respond? Would it try and load the next patch from the USB stick?

--- End quote ---

You're right, programm change and bank select should work.
I'm not sure they currently work, i'll check that.


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