PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

New build - couple of useage questions


Hi all,
I received my kit 2 days ago and built it in about 3 hours. Its a wonderful machine. I have 2 questions at the moment about useage as follows:

1. Is the op amp capable of driving headphones directly using a cable adapter?
2. Will the usb port operate in 'Host' mode so that when powered through the barrel jack a master keyboard can be connected to the usb and receive its power from the preenfm2 as well as being able to send midi over usb?  If not, that would be a really useful feature to minimise the number of cables around.




Thanks for your feedback.  :)

1. Yes it works when you plug an headphone directly in the audio output... Output impedance of each prenfm2 audio output is 68 Ohm.
It has not been designed to behave as a headset amplifier, but in some situation that can be usefull.

2. No. That would require a OTG Usb driver which is quite complicated  ;)



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