PreenFM > PreenFM1 (the blue one)

Presets for PreenFm (128 patches bank included)

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Have you upgraded to the latest firmware?  I haven't had any clipping since it was fixed.  Though, I think if you push the volume excessively in the mod matrix you could get some clipping.


2 good points from Funkyfli :
. The clipping problem when browsing patches should be fixed in 1.72
. To high values "multiply" in the matrix can lead to saturation/clipping/noise, but that shouldn't happen with the provided presets... Only if you modify them in a wrong way.

Hope you don't have the problem anymore with the last firmware.


I am having trouble loading the presets on to the PreenFM. I downloaded reaper and connected via MIDI. I then created a new track and dragged and dropped the .sysx file on to the track. Then on the Preen I went to load>SysEx and it said "waiting SysEx..." I then pressed play on the track in Reaper. Nothing happened.

I am wondering if the problem may lie in the connection via MIDI. I am running through a DigiDesign M-Box 2 on Windows Vista. MIDI out (from the interface) to MIDI in (on the Preen). Is there anywhere where a detailed itinerary and directions can be found? Maybe there is a YouTube video?

Please let me know!


That's strange.. That should work.
Do you use the last firmware : 2.00 ?

Sorry, there's not detailed howto because it works like other sound module work.

If you add midi notes in the same track in Reaper, are they played by your preenFM ?

You can also try dedicated sysex manager :  (In Application folder, the name is C6)



--- Quote from: funkyfli on May 30, 2012, 08:55:31 PM ---Edited by Xavier for clarity : Here is the 128 patches bank

Here is a bank of 128 patches... mostly organized to Lead / Bass / Synth / Pad / Bell / Seq / FX


--- End quote ---

Thanks a lot Martin for this pretty good bank!!!!! I love it!!


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