PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Random patch resetting - was yellow oled issue

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Xavier - Apologies for not replying sooner as this was a busy week. While I initially said I wouldn't be opening up the synth again until about this time, in fact I immediately turned around after my last reply and opened the synth back up! (Because who needs sleep when you could get a PreenFM up and running?)

The first thing I realized was that things were a lot more cramped with the insulated ground plate under the OLED than I initially thought. One consequence was that the wire coming from MCLK patching the defective trace was mashed such that it was possible intermittent shorts could occur with adjacent pins. And while I didn't see any evidence, I couldn't rule out random shorts occurring with solder joints piercing the insulation of the grounded shield. So I covered the circuit board under the shield with a layer of electrical tape, paying extra attention to really isolating the wire tacked to pin 6 of the 405.

I have been running the synth continuously since then, with and without sequencers running for many hours, and with as much hands-on as the past few days have afforded me. I think it's safe to declare this synth operational! So yes, it took you telling me to look at pin 6 to actually consider that might be the problem despite the big ugly wire hanging off of it. :P But now I've hopefully made the synth robust and if not, I know where to concentrate future improvements/modifications.

Once again,
Thank You!


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