PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Preenfm2 shutdown when going in oled save mode


Hi everyone,
I was creating a patch using the preenFM2 editor in ableton live, when suddenly : no more sound, my preen was in oled save mode as usual but when I tried to press a button , nothing happened, it was shut down, is that a known bug ? my preen run the last firmware (2.11) same thing for the editor (2.11.4) Live 10.1.9 / mac os mojave, thanks for your help !


It's not a known bug.
Did that happen only once ? or often ?

OLED save mode only clears the screen and prevent anything to be display on it.
The preenfm2 engine is still the same beside that, no reason to shutdown.

Hi Xavier, it's the second time it happened if I remember correctly. bought my preen already assembled by vandaal electronics.

I have the same issue with the display. The unit goes into screen saving mode and i cant wake it up again. In my case the synth still runs and the pots and buttons works its just the display thats gone dark. I have a newer unit with I assume the latest screen and the latest OS


I don't have any explanation or solution for that.

I'm sure that you already know, but you can disable the screensaver in the settings.
It was done to avoid burning the screen with OLED (when some displays that remain too longs leave a light mark on the display).
I'm not even sure that happens with those characters Oled.


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