PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

[Fixed in 0.9p] Freeze when browsing Funky12.BNK bank

<< < (2/5) > >>


Thanks.... But it works perfectly here with "0.9o o" firmware.  :-\

Several questions :
1. It always freeze on preset 3 exactly ?
2. Other banks don't have any problem ?
3. What if you browse preset with Enc 2, 3 or 4, it should jump over preset 3 ?
4. Can you browse this preset with the save menu. Menu->Save->Bank->Funky12.BNK then browse the preset name.. The difference is that in this case only the preset name is read.
5. Rename the bank on your computer (Funky13.BNK for example) , than copy it beside the other one on the PreenFM. Same problem when loading preset 3 from Funky13.BNK on the preen ?

Thanks for helping me to understand,


Weird. When PreenFM2 is powered by wall supply everything works like a charm. Even more: when i connect USB cable to 5v adapter everything works fine too. PreenFM2 was disconnected from MIDI and PC. PreenFM2 crashes when is powered via PC -> USB.
Gonna test further this evening.

New thread created from messages about this problem.

The 5V provided by your PC can be too weak for the preenFM2.
Is it a laptop ?

Or it can be because of weird/parasite USB midi bytes ? which would explain why your stack targets new midi byte procedure....

Let me know if you find something new.


To isolate the issue, can you try to remove JMP2, so that the USB does not power anymore the PreenFM, put JMP1 on.
Plug an USB cable to your computer AND the power suply DC.

Is it still crashing ?


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