PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Full-Speed NPRN dump crashing


It looks like I can't send a full NRPN dump to the PreenFM2 at full MIDI speed.  It crashes about one times in five.

I'm testing this on my patch editor written for Edisyn, and when I do "randomize" (which sends a random valid patch to the PreenFM2), it'll crash hard at about that rate.  If I force Edisyn to only send out NRPN once every 1ms (ugh) then the PreenFM2 doesn't appear to die.  Keep in mind that MIDI is about one byte every 1/3ms.  This means I have to wait for about two seconds :-( :-( to update a patch, whereas at full MIDI speed it'd be a small fraction of a second.

This looks like a buffer overflow.  All told I'm sending (I believe) 227 NRPN messages, so 908 CC messages or 2724 bytes.


You can try to increase the midi in buffer size and see if that fixes your problem :

If there's not enough CCM memory anymore try to remove "__attribute__ ((section(".ccmnoload")));"



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