PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

Hi everybody! Please help me

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Hi everybody,
Just bought my preen by second hand today. Very sorry but there are several things still I didn't understand after reading the menu and edit mode manual.

- Firmware is 2.10 and bootloader is 1.11, tried to upgrade to latest version 2.11download the zip file, but if I connect the preen to my mac via usb nothing happen, no icon on my desktop. How does it works and which file inside the zip is the one?

- Browsing in the Menu > Load > Bank Combo Dx7 are empty, where can I find the patches? I usually use Sysex Librarian for my synths, does it works (same problem about usb connection: no icon on my desktop, no ext hw seems connected.

Any help appreciated, so I can start to play with this beast!

Mnay thanks to all.

Hold down a button and then plug your preenfm2 in with the usb and it'll bring up a list of commands and then hit a button again and it'll bring up and open folder drive.

You should have a folder named "pfm2" there. If not, then add one.

Inside that folder you add your .bnk files and .cmb files and make a folder for the dx7 aka .syx files. Make a folder for the scala files as well which are .scl

This folder is also the folder you drop your firmware files in as well.

Hope this helps.

Yes, follow the step 1 and 2 here :
You have to extract the .bin from the zip and put the .bin files directly in /pfm2/.

There's also a full zip file that can show you the structure and some DX7 sysx attached to release 2.08 here :

Thanks a lot guys, starting to understand more, Feel quite dumb but first time with a diy synth, anyway firmware is ok now, but I can't find the patches. Folder on my mac displays like this:

Probably has no patches. If there was patches they would be on the unit when you turned it on or in the USB folder. You'll have to add your own. Tons of free dx7 .syx files on the internet to load in.


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