Author Topic: Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.  (Read 6163 times)


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Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.
« on: May 08, 2021, 06:18:01 PM »
Hello everyone,

after I got all the parts I needed, I recently built my Preen FM2! It works, and I am very happy with it. Incredibly great and versatile synth for ~€100 (I still had some parts lying around) (I am so glad I didn't go for the Volca FM.. ;) This is so much more). It is running: it came with Firmware 2.08 pre-installed, and I added the soundbanks.

But, this I can't figure out:
I can pre-listen to presets, but once I have loaded the sound, I cannot find an option to load a new sound. It sticks with it forever. I can edit it, but I cannot load a new preset. Interestingly, when I browse through a bank, I can hear the sound when I press button 1-5, but when I play my MIDI keyboard, it will play the loaded sound. After I hit 'loading', nothing is updated.

I have updated to firmware to the newest v2.21, but this behaviour stays exactly the same.

Maybe I am doing something incredible stupid, and this is easily solved. I would think it is quite unlikely that is caused by a hardware error, but why would I be the only one that reports this behaviour?

I would be very happy if someone would help me out here.. thanks very much in advance!


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Re: Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2021, 08:02:11 PM »
This sounds like you are pressing the wrong button and instead of loading the new sound you cancel the operation.


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Re: Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2021, 08:06:06 PM »
No. I am pressing the exact same button (7) as I do the first time. Remember, it does load a sound. But it only does it once.


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Re: Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2021, 09:14:54 PM »
Well i don't know exactly what you do, but it seems like a strange bug, since many people would have noticed it by now...

Can you load any sound as a first sound? Or only one?

Are you loading your new sound into another instrument maybe? (Which would listen to a different midi channel and hence never receive midi from your keyboard)


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Re: Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2021, 09:18:50 PM »
Exactly like this:
*before* I load a sound, I can preview presets, and play them with a MIDI keyboard while browsing them.
But when I decide on loading one preset. I can no longer repeat this.

*after* I have loaded a preset, I can:
>still here other presets when played with button 1-5 on the Preen.
 >not here those presets when played with a MIDI keyboard
>pressing button 7 still shows the 'loading' screen, but it does not load the sound. It will play the preset that I loaded first. No change possible until I re-power the Preen.

Yes, it's very weird. :/


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Re: Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2021, 09:51:37 PM »
ok, apparently the problem is solved (????).

Even weirder: I kept testing what exact behaviour caused this problem: was it when loading from a specific bank, or only from the DX7 banks? And then.. at one time it stopped doing it. I've tested it about 10 times, and every time it kept working. But I haven't really done anything. So, I don't know if the problem will come back. It's a true mystery.

I am sorry to bother you all with this. I go and start exploring this great little machine!! I reaaaallly like it! Thank you Xavier for creating it.

(@Lokki: I guess the only thing that would make some sense it indeed loaded new sounds as a new instrument, using a different MIDI channel. I have opened those settings, and maybe accidentally I made changes there. Thanks anyway for your input!)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2021, 09:54:23 PM by brumd »


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Re: Bug: once a sound is loaded, it is unchangable.
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2021, 10:23:40 PM »
I am glad it works for you now!