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Messages - UltraBlack

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So you can have a default sequencer preset with 6 simple patterns you often use in slots 7 to 12.
By default leave instrument 1 to 6 linked to empty patterns 1 to 6.
Let's say pattern 7 is a four on the floor, and you want it for instrument 3. You only have to associate instrument 3 with pattern 7.

Why is it handled this way? This is really not obvious. I think it deserves some documentation as well.

In my opinion, only having six freely assignable sequences per bank is a little few considering that variations are quite useful. I hope this system gets an overhaul.

Thanks for clearing that up and fixing the crash.

Edit: Spoke too soon. Copying works, pasting too, but the second time I pasted that the PFM3 crashed again. I copied OP3, pasted into OP2 and lastly into OP1, which crashed it.

The yellow shape/waveform being stuck on screen seems to always happen when there are a lot of updates happening on the screen simultaneously (mainly caused by the audio waveform updating in the background)

Use long press (-) to copy, (+) to paste
I just discovered that pasting envelope parameters causes the PFM3 to crash when playing a note into that patch...  :'(

I have another feature request: Being able to save per-instrument sequences.

It does not in any way make sense to only use saved sequences for all instruments at once. I was hoping to be able to save simple things like four on the floor and stuff like that as a sequence to be able to easily load them at a later point, but instead, it saves and loads the entire sequencer into a bank index...

A short video would help.
It's literally just that the yellow envelope shape but also the operator wave (yellow) sometimes stick around in screens that they are not supposed to be visible in.

Use long press (-) to copy, (+) to paste
That's why we need a manual... Are there more of these super useful hidden long-press or whatnot features?

Per voice and per instrument effects are separated in latest firmware. Should be clearer. Try 0.999b here.
That is _exactly_ what I had in mind! Thank you so much!

a good project for anyone who has much free time :)
maybe, maybe ... :) (I can't do that seemingly, at least today. The stupid STM32 Cube IDE is instantly crashing. I hate closed source garbage like this.)

Edit attached a screenshot for anyone wondering. Looks really doable!
My idea: One knob for scrolling through the matrix, one for scrolling through the in- and outputs. Outputs to lower nodes on the bottom, outputs to higher nodes on the top.

Edit 2: Almost forgot
Can you give a specific example/steps to reproduce this issue ?
Opening the FM menu for the first time does not render the wave until switching to another modulator and back. Editing an envelope causes it to stick around even for a completely different envelope, until that one is modified.

as I said before, the level limits work as expected. I was just under the impression that the env time could go to infinity, but admittedly never tried that out all the way

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Suggestions and Bug reports
« on: May 13, 2023, 11:51:23 PM »
I love this synth so far, but I have some ideas that would make it a little easier to use (at least for me):
- Put the symbols behind all alphabet characters in the renaming menus. You are more likely to use these instead of the non-alphabet characters, but for some reason, these are at the very beginning of the character list, making it a little annoying to always have to skip these while searching for a character
- Allow using envelope parameters from other operators/modulators. I often face this situation where I want the exact same envelope over multiple carriers/modulators and having to dial them in manually to the exact same value, every time. What I would like is a mode (maybe use the values below the current minimum) that you can select as an envelope value to get that value from another carriers/modulator.

Something like this:
Carrier 1: ADSR: 1 2 3 4; Level: 1 1 0 0
Modulator 2: ADSR: 1 2 (C 1) 3; Level (C 1) (C 1) (C 1) 1

- You can modify grayed-out parameters, e.g. in the Editor/Engine/2 menu
- Switching between different envelope settings often fails to draw the correct waveform on-screen (Also I don't think that the "rand" waveform needs to be different every time you switch to it. It's a neat detail, but probably goes unnoticed for way too long. If you want some change, use a constexpr to generate a random waveform at compile time)

One last thing: The PFM3 is advertised as having per-voice effects. I can also see that the bottom center menu (ARP/FX) is supposed to have effects, but I only see the filter section in terms of effects there. Where can I configure the per-voice effects?

Edit: One more thing that has been on my mind for quite a while: Is there a chance that we can get a freely modifiable engine algorithm? I often want to add some texture to some sub-modulator, but then realize that there is no algorithm that has the exact layout that I would need to add another modulator to the existing modulator. Since you can't switch carrier/modulator configurations, it's hard to get exactly what you want without meticulously planning out what you want to use where beforehand, which is not the point of FM imo.

"They work as expected."

Oh I see now. That explains a lot. I was always under the impression, that the env length should also be limited to 1.

The midi clock thing is just a little weird. It does not send the midi clock until you run the sequencer, for whatever reason.

Thought that the firmware update would take longer... (The PFM3 bootloader takes ages to mount the sd card on my machine, for some reason) - The fix correctly limits the value max where it should be when loading the patch. I can still increase the values beyond the limit though.

I have actually set the sequencer clock to EXT, but it just does not play. If I set it to internal, it works as expected...

Which branch is this based on? I like the features from the delay_xav branch

Also one issue I've noticed: I can't get the PFM3 to pick up the midi clock signal from my Keystep Pro... Is there a reason for that?

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PFM3: Stuck pixel artifacts around text
« on: May 12, 2023, 09:56:44 PM »
I don't know, if what you said changed his reaction in any way. If it was that bad here, I would be a little sad.

It could just very well be that what you thought to be a simple feature was in fact pretty hard to implement, and you are grumpy about it.

I can't verify any of your claims currently. Your seven posts certainly don't speak for your credibility

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PFM3: Stuck pixel artifacts around text
« on: May 12, 2023, 06:14:19 PM »
yes I can always go over 1.

One thing I just noticed, is that these extreme values actually come with the bank! I created a bank specifically for my stuff and I was already weirded out by the annoying config and env setup of the default "empty" presets. The level/sustain value is actually 1.8 by default.

Edit: Interestingly, the level controls actually have an encoder limit, which works like it should

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PFM3: Stuck pixel artifacts around text
« on: May 12, 2023, 05:56:52 PM »
Well there is already a video. I literally went into the operator edit menu, and for each one, I can just set the width and height value (center two menus of the oper/env menu) as high as I want. There is no trickery or magic anything, just twisting a knob

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PFM3: Stuck pixel artifacts around text
« on: May 12, 2023, 08:42:15 AM »
With en curve I meant the way the envelope is shaped, as in the number values that you can set, not the curve type

Edit: Was gonna look and try to find a place where you might have forgotten to simply set the maximum value, but I'm having a really hard time finding what I'm searching for in your codebase. I think what you need is a unified GUI class that allows you to easily create and modify instances of various different guis (to also get rid of UI bugs with much simpler fixes, like switching the edited operator not always rendering the new waveform or, editing grayed-out values being possible). Currently, most things seem half-hardcoded in a somewhat hard to understand layout, so I can't help you with that. I would give this a try, if this whole TFT rendering wasn't so damn complicated. I have to give you credit for understanding that.

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PFM3: Stuck pixel artifacts around text
« on: May 11, 2023, 10:55:29 PM »
Yes that bank is my own.

"The fix will simply be to verify the level when loading a preset. Level > 1 will be set to 1."
Could you also make triple sure that the values cannot possibly be set higher than 1? There is a limit in the level menu, but not in the env curve menu.

Edit: Could that limiter escape be related to the encoder resolution that you can set in the options? Did you maybe use something like "if (value != max) do something", instead of <=

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