preenfm Forum

PreenFM => PreenFM1 (the blue one) => Topic started by: Xavier on December 12, 2011, 10:21:12 PM

Title: Firmware 2.00
Post by: Xavier on December 12, 2011, 10:21:12 PM
Hi preenfm1 owners,

The last firmware is available in the github preenfm1 repo:

How to upgrade is explained here:

2.00 do not means it's bug free... If you find any bugs i'll make a 2.01  ;)
Totally compatible with VST 2.00.B3.

What's new in  2.00
. better (less obvious) cut of existing notes when a new note is triggered.
. adjust encoder timing for better turning acceleration (subtle change).

What's new in  2.00.B3
. [fixed] LFO random now the same as in 1.72 (was higher in 2.00.B2)
. [fixed] Nrpn params fixed to be compatible with 1.72 and works with PreenVST 2.00.B3.
. [fixed] save preset when name length = 12 (no more weird last char).
. [clean] get rid of the old 1.10 upgrade format

What's new in  2.00.B2
. Fixed enveloppe when release was <= 5
. Fixed the LFO env4 problem one some notes.

What's new in  2.00.B1

. Something unexpected 2 weeks ago. Polyphony doubled !! Thanks Olivier (mutable-instruments guy) :-)
  4 voices for 6 operators algos, 6 voices for 3 ops algos, and 8 voices for 3 ops algos.
  The signal/noise ratio is not very good when number of voice > 4. The biggest advantage is  to have  4 voices for 4 & 6 operators algos.

. Enveloppe attacks available in matrix destination. One at a time or all together.
  Can not be changed once a sound is already triggered... but using velocity as source is nice.
  Using a slow LFO to modulate the Attack also give interesting results.

. Peformance row added in engine pages... Allow direct edit of CC1, CC2, CC3, CC4 (matrix control change sources).
  Typical usage : in live can be use to control several internal parameters at the same time.
  Can also be used to control external gear by using the new ECC as destination.
  Remarks : CC1-4 are not saved with the patch.

. Sinus variation tables ("s^2", "1/2s", "spops"), are now centered around 0.
  So they can be used as modulator without changing the carrier pitch... was a bit useless as modulator before.

. CC can now be sent to external gear by selecting one of the ECC in the matrix destination.
  Channel and control change numbers can be modified in the settings.
  Correct values in the modulation matrix to have 0-127 range in the ECC:
   . Source : CC1-4 / mul = 16 / Dest ECC1-4
   . source : LFO1-3 / mul = 8 / Dest ECC1-4
     LFO1-3 must have bias = 127 because they must be positive only.

. Possibility to go directly to one of the patch selection page when booting.
  In the setings, boot : "Default" (as before), "Bank1", "Bank2", "Bank3", "Bank4", "Internal".

. Better new note algo... sounds much better with long release patches.
  No more obvious release cut.

What's new in  1.72

. [Bug fix] matrix destination clean correctly when changed by midi (fixed saturation when scrolling matrix destination with active source)
. [Bug fix] persistent volume problem when scrolling through presets while playing
. [Bug fix] Sysex bank correctly ignored if not in right menu selection.

What's new in  1.71:

. [Bug fix] now you can load a bank  sending sysex from your PC

What's new in  1.70:

. [VST] Compatibility with the plugin PreenVST v0.4.
. [Bug fix] Midi compatibility with midi sources that uses runningStatus... (fix stuck notes).
. [Matrix] Key added in the matrix source list : allow tu use the midi note number in the matrix.
  As for velocity, the last pressed key is used.
  Also i put (127-note) in the matrix so that the high notes have a smaller value than the lower ones.
. [config] midi "Receive: None" now let modweel passes through, as well as bank select, all note off, all sound off.

What's new in  1.61:
. [fix] There were a NoteOn problem when several notes where played at the same time while other notes where in release state.

What's new in  1.60:
. [MidiClock] activity on LCD
. [MidiClock] LFO oscillators frequency : after 15.3Hz you'll find MC/16, MC/8, MC/4, MC/2, MC, MC*2, MC*3, MC*4, MC*8
. [MidiClock] Step sequencer BPM : after 240 you'll find MC/4, MC/2, MC, MC*2, MC*4 (MC = external midi clock).
. [LFO Osc] sinusoid waveform added.
. [Matrix Destination] GATE added : new way of shaping your sound.
. [Midi] Midi latency improved (or should be improved, don't have any serious measures)...
. [Midi] Real midi thru - don't enable it when recording PreenFM midi out...
. [fix] midi indicator did not always blink as it should
. [fix] Step seq 6 : NRPN sent wrong params
. [fix] Step seq gates : in some rare situation they refused to change
. [fix] In Menu mode, values could show up on the LCD

What's new in  1.51:
- Bug fix : MidiClock make the audio engine stuturing

What's new in  1.50:
- 2 Step sequencers
- 4 additional rows in the matrix : 12 rows in total
- Test note added... Hold one second the back button when in edit mode

Thanks and enjoy :-)

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Towel on December 14, 2011, 01:10:13 AM
Wow..........................thank you.
Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: maDMax on December 14, 2011, 06:06:02 AM
when i will have christmas holidays i will test the new firmware, looking forward to this.
Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: maDMax on December 16, 2011, 06:15:17 PM
gave the 1.50b a first try. After flashing i needed 2 restarts then all went fine. the step sequencers are working as you described.  they make the preenfm extrem more flexible, sounding very good.
one thing that is very annoying. after loading a preset from the internal memory the screen shows "DONE" and when i press a key nothing happens. every time i think the preen hangs but after pressing more keys i come to a menu. why not after loading showing 2 seconds "DONE" and the go back to the engine screen?

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on December 16, 2011, 06:37:04 PM

Max, thanks a lot for the feedback.

Is the "Done" behaviour different from how it worked in 1.03 ?
Have you formated the EEPROM user banks  "Upgrade" or "All"...  in Menu->Conf->Format ?

While displaying "Done" the PreenFM expect you to hit "Menu" again... not very intuitive i agree.
Maybe any key should make it go back to the edit mode... or a time out as you suggest...

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: maDMax on December 16, 2011, 06:50:05 PM
1) the "done thing" is since 1.01. i have forgotten to mention it earlyr. hitting menu was the first thing i have done but it  works not very well. there is a big latency.
2) fomating eeprom is on my list, have no presets there so i will format it completely
3) well done the new firmware!

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on December 16, 2011, 10:19:30 PM
1) Really ?... strange... it shouldn't do anything between "Done" and go back to the edit mode.

2) You'll have ready to use Sequences in the 2 steps sequencer. ready to be routed in the matrix.

3) Thanks ;-)
Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Towel on December 20, 2011, 05:33:46 PM
I've just upgraded to the beta 1.50.
It's cool so far. All of my presets are still around :D

After some time on the playground I have one suggestion........................
Would it be possible to modulate all operator frequencies
at ones, especially with the step sequencer?
It would be a usefull feature I guess.

Thanks Xavier im very, very happy

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Towel on December 20, 2011, 05:52:10 PM
and by the way....................
LFO5/6 are not selectable as destination in the
patch matrix.

I just wanted to modulate the sequencer depth by another LFO
but couldn't find the slot ;)

Sorry man for being so occupying but I can't do it by my self.

I hope the stuff I write will make it an even better instrument than
it is so far................................I love it big time  ;D

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta1 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on December 20, 2011, 06:52:59 PM
Towel, thanks for the feedback.  I'm glad to read you like it.

Having one matrix destination for all frequencies is a very good idea and should not be complicated to add.

For lfo5 and 6 i have in mind to allow "gate" as a destination in the matrix.
The depth should be possible by using the mtx# destination (matrix multiplier) .

Mtx1:   Lfo5    10    Im1
Mtx2:   Lfo1    2       Mtx1   

The row mtx2 should modulate (using lfo1) the multiplier 10 of row mtx1.

I'm away from home so i cannot try for the moment. Let me know... All remarks help me.
Specially if does something unexpected ;-)

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta2 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on December 22, 2011, 12:00:26 PM
1.50 Beta 2 available...

. lfo5 and lf 6 gate are accessible in matrix destinations. Set gate = 1.0 then in the matrix  try with a low frequency LFO1  (BIAS=0) or with the pitchbend as source... interesting...
. All oscillator frequencies available in matrix destinations : "o*fr"... (required to rewrite how the frequency  was used in the engine to get proper result....) to have semitone scale in step sequencer set the matrix multiplier to 85...
. "Done" display shows up for 1.5 seconds than diapear
. The voice is set to the maximum when changing the algo (if voice != 1).

As i say in the point 2, i had to change how the frequency was used in all the ALGOs... So don't hesitate to report if you find anything strange regarding modulation or frequency. Thanks.

And thanks for the feedbacks  :D

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta2 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Towel on December 22, 2011, 03:16:51 PM
oh ja, of course you can modulate the matrix slot which contains the LFO5 as source.

The "all ferquency modulation" makes it much more usable for me. Sounds pretty organic.


Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta2 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Towel on December 22, 2011, 04:12:07 PM
LFO5/6 Gate as destination in the matrix was a very good idea.
Wow. That's a lot to work with. 8)
Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta2 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on December 22, 2011, 04:39:44 PM

Sorry Towel, i've just uploaded a BETA 3 ;-)

Step sequencer has now a exponential scale  so you can get better semitone scales when targeting "o*Fr".
Matrix multiplier should be set to 64 in BETA 3 for having 1 semitone per values from the step sequencer.

I also added a preset with SEQ.

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta3 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: maDMax on December 22, 2011, 08:44:44 PM
had a lot of fun with the beta1 will try beta3 tomorrow.

thx a lot for your work


did some very weird sounds and tried a lot of things. No bugs for me, all works fine and stable. The step sequencer was a great idea, it doubles the possibilities to create sounds.
And the "done" things now works a expected-thx a lot !
One last things. The online manual (it is written very well) stops where i had a question (about the env lfo 4). would be a good idea to complete and update the manual...
preenfm is a very good sounding and funny synth.
Last but not least: Joyeux Noël à toi et à toute ta famille !

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta3 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on December 23, 2011, 09:26:56 PM

Thanks Max, i'm glad you like it.

And thanks for reminding me i had to finish the online manual  ;)
It's done now.

Let me know if you find the answer of your question in the LFO part.

Joyeux noël à toi aussi  :D

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta4 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on December 27, 2011, 10:19:13 PM

Beta4 uploaded with a bug fix.

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta4 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: maDMax on January 06, 2012, 04:43:34 PM
Hello Xavier,

happy new year. Yorry for my late answer. Now your manual is complete, i know what to do with LFO4 :). Thx a lot for updating the manual.

Title: Re: Firmware 1.50 Beta4 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Xavier on January 08, 2012, 12:08:46 AM

Happy new year...   :D
I'm glad you found what you expect regarding the LFO.

Title: Re: Firmware 1.51 : Step sequencer inside
Post by: Cubik on January 30, 2012, 05:43:55 PM
Ah, firmware is officially released... great work Xavier, will update it soon and play with the sequencer... great addition, keep up the good work!!!
Title: Re: Firmware 1.52.B2 : Midi Clock !!!
Post by: Xavier on February 02, 2012, 10:54:46 PM

First Midi Clock beta available in the step sequencer.
See first message for more info.

Title: Re: Firmware 1.52.B3 : Midi Clock Syncronization
Post by: Xavier on February 05, 2012, 08:37:07 PM

1.52.B3 uploaded....
Possibility to sync LFO Oscillators and step sequencers to an external midi clock such as DAW or hardware sequencer.

Title: Re: Firmware 1.62.B3 (stuck notes fixed ?)
Post by: Xavier on May 25, 2012, 11:00:17 PM

1.62.B3 uploaded.

See first message of this thread for more info.

Title: Re: Firmware 1.70 ready !
Post by: Xavier on May 29, 2012, 10:34:46 PM
1.70 officialy released.
See first message of this thread for more info.

Title: Re: Firmware 2.00.B1
Post by: Xavier on August 05, 2012, 10:46:52 PM

Firmware 2.00.B1 uploaded
Title: Re: Firmware 2.00.B3
Post by: Xavier on August 13, 2012, 11:57:45 PM

Firmware and VST 2.00.B3 uploaded.
Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: maDMax on April 07, 2014, 06:18:47 PM
Hello Xavier,

there is a v2.01 bin file but no cmd file ( Should i flash 2.00 or what about 2.01?

Thx for answer,
Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: Xavier on April 07, 2014, 11:18:53 PM

Hello Max,

The 2.01 has a basic Pedal Sustain support.
You're really after a firmware for the preenfm1 ?

Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: maDMax on April 08, 2014, 08:21:02 PM
Hello Xavier,

i am really sure, i have the blue one  8). I had a lot to do so the preenFM1 had some spare time, but now he is back!
Ok, now back to my question or not  ;) because sustain-Pedal support i dont need...

But thx a lot for your fast answer.
The FM2 looks very interesting!

Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: trokchonchon on May 18, 2015, 12:15:40 PM
Hello everyone,

i had the chance to buy a second hand preenfm1 (blue) yesterday.  I had to buy it ready made because of an unfortunate genetic inability to solder components.

When i tried to upgrade the firmware to 2.00, the link didn't work and a page appeared saying:

Erreur 403 - Refus de traitement de la requête (Interdit - Forbidden)

I searched on the net but didn't manage to find the firmware files anywhere.

Would anyone have the kindness to share theses files?

Or maybe Xavier, you could see if/why the download link is dead?

I'm new to fm synthesis but really appreciated the evolutive and complex sounds that came out of this little blue box when i tried it yesterday.

The version 2 seems really nice too, and 'multitimbralité' (i don't know the english word) would be great to have, but again i can't assemble it myself and it would be too expensive now for me to have it assembled by another.

Thank you for your help with the upgrade files and

thanks to IXOX for providing us (musicians) this  compact and powerful instrument.

Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: jojjelito on May 22, 2015, 12:51:39 PM
Just wanted to chime in:

The firmware for Preen FM1 is gone, the VST is gone.
The VST for Preen FM2 is also gone, but that's a separate topic perhaps.

I hope all the fils that used to reside under can be restored or shared via Dropbox or something similar.
Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: Xavier on May 26, 2015, 04:05:55 PM

Sorry for the trouble, i just create a new stick thread with new URL:

Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: albertswift on May 03, 2024, 06:40:20 PM

Is there a repository for all the old FreenFm Mk1 information, most of the build links seem dead?

I have just discovered an unboxed Crystal PreenFM kit I bought in 2012 but never got around to building.

Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: Xavier on December 07, 2024, 10:09:07 AM
I totally missed this message, sorry, preenfm1 repo is here

You'll get the pre compiled firmware in the "firmware" folder.

Title: Re: Firmware 2.00
Post by: albertswift on February 19, 2025, 10:45:10 PM
Thank you Xavier, The link of how to flash the firmware appears to be dead.