preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« on: November 26, 2014, 07:39:17 PM »
Norbim1, Thank You very much for your port project (and your post over @ Midibox.org), I'm so very excited to find this! For along time I have watched the Preen project (had not seen the FM2 ver till now), so very cool; but could not bring myself to spend on 'yet another project' when my wish list is so long. BUT the Disco board is very inexpensive and very complete. So now there is a new build in my future.
Not to take anything away from the great work of Xavier, but the 'F407 Discovery port opens this up for me Again Thank You both, life is good
Not to take anything away from the great work of Xavier, but the 'F407 Discovery port opens this up for me Again Thank You both, life is good