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Messages - Fresh Pants

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You're welcome, I'm glad I could be of service.
And thank you again for correcting the bug quickly.

Good luck with flashing all those Maple Minis. :)



Woo hoo!
Everything seems to be working now.

Xavier, thanks again for all the work you put into the PreenFM for us to enjoy.   :)


Merci Xavier.

I'll update the firmware when I get home and post results up here.




This morning I tried to sequence the PreenFM with an FR777, but it still reacts the same way as it does when sequenced by Ableton or from the GorF sequencer. I don't think the FR777 or the GorF outputs MTC. Curious.


Here's a sample clip, recorded from Ableton Live.

I notice that even if there isn't a file/sequence being played, that the MIDI start causes the PreenFM to garble (similar stutter-ey sounds) any of the MIDI keyboard input too.

The midi file I used is attached, it isn't anything special.


I'll record it tonight (audio and midi). It does play correctly with a midi keyboard, but as soon as I start a midi sequence from the piano roll in Ableton (basic notes, no CC's or anything) the Preen makes a series of quick notes as if it were playing staccato and it eats up the polyphony. It does sound like it's being overloaded and unable to keep up.

Anyway, I'll put something up in a few hours when I get off work.


Merci Xavier,

Received my PreenFM at work yesterday (Colorado!), and built it in about 2 hours or so. Very straightforward build, and like the others, I thought the resistor sheet was a nice touch.

I only had a little bit of time to test it out and everything seems to work so far, except when I try to sequence it via MIDI with either a GORF sequencer (hardware) or via Ableton Live. The notes stutter, but it does receive note on/off from an external controller. The PreenFM is running rev 1.5 as shipped, and I'll try reloading the firmware or rolling it back to an earlier version. I was running USB power form my Mac and I also tried through a USB wallwart with the same results.

Any ideas?


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