Thanks to you both. I am hesitant to even mention this because I hate when people compare the DX7 to the Preen. But here is an example of my Preen playing a single operator at the fastest attack and the DX7 (please ignore the hiss from the Preen -- this was a quick example so I didn't plug in directly to my output ... also, this is from Dexed, a DX7 emulator, but this is consistent w my experience with the actual hardware as well): is a bright "clickiness" to every note on the DX that is not present on the Preen. You can even get it when you turn all the EG levels on a DX to 0 but leave the attack EG level at 99. A lot of the time, sound designers will add a little attack time to get rid of the sound where it's not appropriate -- but percussion sounds often utilize it to their advantage.
Again, I hate to mention this because I think people spend too much time comparing the two synths and the Preen is wonderful and a million times more flexible. And I'm not sure exactly what is in the DX7 code that accounts for it -- a little research suggests that Yamaha "faked" an exponential shape. But regardless, this would be a great feature to have given how full-bodied this synthesizer already sounds.