preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: New filters
« on: December 15, 2019, 09:06:05 PM »
hi Xavier,
don't worry about the recent commit : i tried to make allpass filter frequency velocity dependant, was not useful, it was a regression ; last commit just put it back to a previous state.
BP2 : yes it doesn't work very well, it was a attempt to double sampling the original algo.
Peak: ok, i modified the reso curve response. there a small click when reso = 1, could not get rid of yet...
Notch: the resonance has expected behaviour, but, yes , this algo don't go very very high
BpDs : self oscillation is not expected, i modified this in my last commit
Pann : this one is a mixture of panning and 3x lowpass with different frequency spread around f
Sat : yes, it is a very simple digital distortion, sounds as expected.
LpSn : pos is an offset for a transfer function, add distortion, depending on pos and number of voices played. i let param1 control it to allow variable distortion. try it on a pure sin poly patch to use it a its best.
Not4 : quad notch filters, use it with a slow lfo for phasing effect
18db : ok, fixed this in last commit
La+d: ok, yes the ladder filter department is quite crowded, why not removing Lad+, Diod and L+d+
about the h3o+ (tb like) : i reworked the dynamics and accent circuit in one of my last commit if you want to check it out.
don't worry about the recent commit : i tried to make allpass filter frequency velocity dependant, was not useful, it was a regression ; last commit just put it back to a previous state.
BP2 : yes it doesn't work very well, it was a attempt to double sampling the original algo.
Peak: ok, i modified the reso curve response. there a small click when reso = 1, could not get rid of yet...
Notch: the resonance has expected behaviour, but, yes , this algo don't go very very high
BpDs : self oscillation is not expected, i modified this in my last commit
Pann : this one is a mixture of panning and 3x lowpass with different frequency spread around f
Sat : yes, it is a very simple digital distortion, sounds as expected.
LpSn : pos is an offset for a transfer function, add distortion, depending on pos and number of voices played. i let param1 control it to allow variable distortion. try it on a pure sin poly patch to use it a its best.
Not4 : quad notch filters, use it with a slow lfo for phasing effect
18db : ok, fixed this in last commit
La+d: ok, yes the ladder filter department is quite crowded, why not removing Lad+, Diod and L+d+
about the h3o+ (tb like) : i reworked the dynamics and accent circuit in one of my last commit if you want to check it out.