Author Topic: modulating the frequency of an OP/OSC in octaves?  (Read 6530 times)


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modulating the frequency of an OP/OSC in octaves?
« on: July 16, 2019, 11:05:50 AM »

I have a question regarding the modulation of the frequency of a modulator...

Is it possible to quantize the frequency of an oscillator/operator with preenFM2? That is: Say, you have an LFO and use this to slowly modulate the frequency of an oscillator. The result normally will be a smooth transition from factor 1.0 over 1.1 over ... to a factor of -- say -- 4.0. Is it possible to leave out the fractional parts? So, that wathever the LFO-Value is, the resulting frequency-ratio of the oscillator is strictly non-fractional? (It should ramp up and down in octaves... and BTW I chose an LFO in this explanaition but this is not my primary intention. I would like to use velocitly or the free-env as input-source for this...)

Many thanks,


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Re: modulating the frequency of an OP/OSC in octaves?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2019, 10:45:23 AM »

Not sure i fully understand but I don't think you can do that.

You can try to use step sequencer in the LFO. You will get jump in frequency.