PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

TubBells DX7 Patch demo

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Xavier it would be great if the preset parity with the DX7 could be improved, just because many have used one before and might think they know what to expect sound wise when choosing a preset from it.

The DX7 has 32 algos, but Preen FM2 has 27, not sure how much of a problem that is.

The DX7 feature is useful, but to be fair if you want the perfect DX7 sound there are plenty of ways of getting it. I'd much prefer to move forward than just keep emulating the past.

I had to implement all DX7 algos to be able to read the preset. PreenFM algo from 10 to 27 are the same as the 32 DX7 algos.
DX7 algos can be different only because of the place of the feedback (See attached picture).
As the PreenFM2 does'nt have feedback it needs less algo. High feedback value can be simulated by selecting a different waveform of the operator.

What i'll try to do is to have the presets sounding better (not closer the DX7), at least by removing the digital noise that occure in too many presets...

Bad sounding DX7 preset can often be solved by manually decreasing modulation indexes and frequency of the oscilators in the highest positioned operator. Press ENG + MENU to have a quick look at the algo. Operator 5 & 6 are often guilty.
Reseting "fine tune" in the oscillator can also help.

Keep in mind that many presets use corner case or even bug of the DX7 to sound as they do. I learnt that by studying Hexter code (
The PreenFM2 will never be able to emulate that


I also read that people used odd settings (but inaudible ones) as a sort of watermark so they knew if their patches were being copied.

I am not actually looking into emulating a dx7 faithfully with my PreenFM2, I agree there might be easier ways.

I was just reminiscing some friend that had prior experience in one and in that sense would have made things easier for people like him, although I would not sacrifice further development in other areas to improve the PreenĀ“s ability to emulate a dx7.

It was just that I thought that Xavier had some more tweaks up his sleeve on this subject. No biggie anyway!


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