PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

using preenFM2 w/o usb stick?

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I'm wondering ... is this possible? Or rather, does anyone know what would need changing? I've only looked briefly at the code so far, and would it suffice to mostly substitute the UsbKey stuff or would one have to change the bootloader as well?

thank you


Hi Ub,

The bootloader won't check any USB stick unless you press a key and select one option that requires a USB key.
So it's not a requirement to modify it.

For the firmware, I tried to isolate everything in USBKey.cpp/h, but it's likely you'll also have to modify Storage.cpp/h.

What would you want to use instead ?


hi xavier,

thank you. ok, i had figured out the bootloader doesn't check for the stick, but i'm a bit lost with all that c++ in the main code. basically, i'd like to simply start up with preenMainPreset.


So that should be enough to remove any USBKey call in preenfm2.cpp:
Line 133 > 138
+ line 238

Then don't go in the menu where a storage is expected or it will freeze your preenfm2.
That won't build a stable firmware.


thanks again, xavier.

i've commented those lines and it seems to work, though usb midi seems to be disabled, too, now (even when commenting line 234). will have to investigate some more... [edit: working now; using just a discovery board, that's why]



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