Author Topic: pfm2 : 2.21  (Read 143654 times)


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #150 on: November 13, 2020, 05:49:18 PM »
Hi Xavier!

Thanks for this great project, and glad to see it is improving also, now with preenfm3! :-)

Is it possible to have a per-channel Mixer setting also for the preenfm2, where the volume/pan settings can be made globally for the selected Channel, and not per Operator? As for the pan setting, it could hard-pan the Channel making it easier to make a Left-Right Audio Out split to two mono channels. And it should stay globally, so the newly loaded sounds don't change it.
As there are 4 knobs, there could be a place also for some other Performance settings, maybe the MIDI channel, and also for some select CC-number (just quick ideas, maybe there could be some even more meaningful settings)



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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #151 on: November 16, 2020, 07:30:31 PM »
would you have interest in reducing polyphony and adding more sound shaping stuff like maybe a master effects section with filters and distortions etc maybe a comb delay...   i think enough people use preenfm2 as a bass synth...  if it were a mono synth per part that would shave off a lot of cpu at least.  i mean i mostly use mine as a mono synth with 4 layers.

another great feature would be to allow unison + detune + spread.  this could make the preenfm2 into a big fuzzy bulldozer!  and with a master effect like distortion etc. look out!


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #152 on: November 16, 2020, 09:42:20 PM »
Is it possible to have a per-channel Mixer setting also for the preenfm2, where the volume/pan settings can be made globally for the selected Channel, and not per Operator? As for the pan setting, it could hard-pan the Channel making it easier to make a Left-Right Audio Out split to two mono channels. And it should stay globally, so the newly loaded sounds don't change it.

The preenfm2 respond to midi CC10 to pan an instrument. It's not reset when you load a new preset.

I don't have plan to add a mixer section, as the preenfm2 really works per instrument.
But adding a shortcut (button + enoder) to modify the panning should be easy.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2020, 09:48:19 PM by Xavier »


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #153 on: November 18, 2020, 09:32:12 AM »
Unison discussion has been moved to its own thread :


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #154 on: December 18, 2020, 06:45:27 AM »
@Rotur, your post has been moved here :


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #155 on: February 02, 2021, 10:08:34 AM »
In the filter section, would it be possible to add a mixer which just makes the audio louder (like x2 or even x3)? I like it when i can make all patches in around the same volume. It's possible to do that, but then i have to turn down the volume down to perhaps half on most patches, and then full volume on the few patches that gets really quiet (maybe they have more than 1 voice or use waveforms which isn't as loud as some, then they get very quiet). 

I find that many of the filters will also make the volume go down a ton, which often makes me not want to use them at all since the overall volume will just be too low. It often also seems to kill the low end completely.  I  often use just 1 voice which gets the volume up for the patch, when using several voices the volume is lowered by perhaps 50% for some reason.

The "Bass" filter is the one filter which is most useful i think, it does seem to make the volume go up by perhaps 15% or so, so its somewhat useful for that (and some patches does sound good with more bass too). I also get the feeling that the filter reacts as if the signal is going in to the filter is bit too hot, at least it's how it can sometimes sound (i obviously don't know how this really works in software). 


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #156 on: February 02, 2021, 08:19:08 PM »
In the filter section, would it be possible to add a mixer which just makes the audio louder (like x2 or even x3)?

There's a gain in all filters. The gain is applied before the filter, so you can lower it if the filter saturates.
It's often the case with LP and high resonnance.

The gain goes up to 2.0 (2x).
It's difficult to use high filter gain when you have a filter selected, but for the 2 first choices (None and Mix) it should be OK.

yes, a Mix section is lacking in the pfm2.


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #157 on: February 03, 2021, 07:21:56 AM »
ok, good to know!


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #158 on: February 12, 2021, 05:11:09 PM »
Hi Xavier!
Hmm ... While collecting patches in the bank, I discovered a strange thing ...
The patches that were created on the old firmware from Toltekradiation using filters and effects such as LPx1/2, TXR1/2, ROT and others are loaded and use these filters, although they are not in firmware 2.20. Moreover, you can switch the types of effects, where all the old effects will be and they work. :o But once you reach the last filter on the list, all old filters disappear.
That is, in firmware 2.20, all these filters are present, but hidden?
Is it possible to make them always active? All of them could give quite interesting colors in sound design.
Otherwise, I'm in some confusion while collecting the bank ... is it worth leaving the old effects in presets?  ::)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 05:25:04 PM by superfake »


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Re: pfm2 : 2.20
« Reply #159 on: February 12, 2021, 09:19:30 PM »
That is, in firmware 2.20, all these filters are present, but hidden?
Is it possible to make them always active? All of them could give quite interesting colors in sound design.
Otherwise, I'm in some confusion while collecting the bank ... is it worth leaving the old effects in presets?  ::)

That's exactly how it works.

They are present bug hidden.
In addition some of them may have a different position in the list, so the filter can be different in Toltekradiation firmware and in 2.20.
They are available from the Editor also.

I'm ready to spend a little time to have some new banks :)
So let me know if you need help. I can have a look and adapt locally the editor to convert the filter numbers if you have problems.


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Re: pfm2 : 2.21
« Reply #160 on: March 26, 2021, 12:41:21 PM »
Superb Thank you :)
Great Update


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Re: pfm2 : 2.21
« Reply #161 on: September 14, 2022, 10:37:34 AM »
I use this FW

i've noticed for quite a while that Save is buggy.

Before i could use save as "Def" and it would start with this sound, that no longer works.

Recently I tried saving as Combo and now it will always start with Combo, no matter if save as Def.

Would be awesome if that could be fixed.. I know it's probably not high priority.. Or maybe even a bug on my end, i don't know.


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Re: pfm2 : 2.21
« Reply #162 on: September 22, 2022, 10:12:03 PM »
I'm not sure what you're doing.
I just gave a quick try and it works as expected (i think).

Save>Defl>Save  save the current combo (4 presets) and loads it when booting.
Save>Defl>Clear delete the default combo file and then it starts with the "preen mk2" preset on 4 instruments.

If you see weird behaviour, backup your USBKey asap.
And try an other one (or remformat it and copy back the files).