PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3

preenFM is going to Eurorack

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Nice to read this.
I is more concret to open the gates for CV in?
It would be nice to open 2 input for 2CV and Gate/Trigger signals to use it in "Matrix".
I donĀ“t know how a Gate could to be implemented. At first it make sense for me.
To scale voltes down to 3,3V I can try it to do.

I'm away from my computer still for 8 days.
Have a look at this post :

who can compile me this github stuff: acdcIN?
I'am analog.
Question: AD controll range is 0-3.3V. For a scaling opamp one use an inverting desing and output is 3,3V to V.
Therefore it is better to invert input range in acdcIn firmware.
As far I get a compiled version I test it and draw a little schematic with board.


i can compile the firmware for you if no one else does :-)

xavier i get this when i try to compile the adc branch:

build/PreenFM_irq.o: In function `TIM2_IRQHandler':
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_irq.c:236: undefined reference to `TIM_ClearITPendingBit'
build/PreenFM_init.o: In function `ADC_Config()':
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:137: undefined reference to `TIM_TimeBaseStructInit'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:144: undefined reference to `TIM_TimeBaseInit'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:145: undefined reference to `TIM_SelectOutputTrigger'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:146: undefined reference to `TIM_ITConfig'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:167: undefined reference to `DMA_StructInit'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:186: undefined reference to `DMA_Init'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:187: undefined reference to `DMA_Cmd'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:190: undefined reference to `ADC_StructInit'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:191: undefined reference to `ADC_CommonStructInit'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:194: undefined reference to `ADC_Cmd'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:195: undefined reference to `ADC_DeInit'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:205: undefined reference to `ADC_CommonInit'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:215: undefined reference to `ADC_Init'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:219: undefined reference to `ADC_RegularChannelConfig'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:220: undefined reference to `ADC_RegularChannelConfig'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:221: undefined reference to `ADC_RegularChannelConfig'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:222: undefined reference to `ADC_RegularChannelConfig'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:225: undefined reference to `ADC_DMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:228: undefined reference to `ADC_DMACmd'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:231: undefined reference to `ADC_Cmd'
/home/lokki/Downloads/preenfm2-adcIn/src/PreenFM_init.c:234: undefined reference to `TIM_Cmd'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:247: recipe for target 'build/p2_2.06o.elf' failed


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