I wanted to experiment a bit with the filter in the preenfm2 so I set up a patch with three detuned sawtooth oscillators, filter set to LP, and env1 patched to the filter frequency, with an attack time of 0 and a fairly short decay and release, and sustain set to 0, to get a fast filter sweep.
There is one filter for all voices in the part, so the result is a paraphonic analog synth patch. The env1 envelope should retrigger for each new key played, and indeed most often it does. But sometimes, especially when the same keys are played repeatedly (but not always), the envelope doesn't retrigger. I can't seem to find a pattern as to when it fails to retrigger. It can happen when the same key is pressed in succession, or when different keys are pressed, when I play slow with lots of time between the key presses, or when I play fast.
Is there something else I should be looking at to get this to work or is this a bug?
I'm running firmware 2.08a (the latest at the time of writing).