Greetings! I have a metal cased, R5C PreenFM2 complete with the wonderful Newhouse yellow OLED. I've had the synth for years and it's never worked right. However, what playing I've done has convinced me that this is - or could be - my all time favorite FM synth even with all the newer entries now on market. Alas, I get to working on it, resolve a problem or two, then life causes the work to be sidelined, repeat cycle, and here we are in 2019 and I still want a working Preen! When I first received and assembled the kit, there was a faulty trace that I fixed that was a manufacturing error on some of the r5c's. Shortly there after, I started getting display errors once the synth had been running for a while. Turns out the OLED was running really hot with way too much current draw. While the evidence indicated the OLED was defective from the gitgo, I purchased a replacement. Then the display errors returned, but this time the OLED was running cool and within spec. Flash forward to the present. I have performed the 22ohm resistor/shielding plate modification on the synth and now my display is rock solid and crystal clear...
HOWEVER, now when I run the synth, it will randomly unload/reset/reinitialize any loaded patches I have. For example, if I load a combo, a few seconds later it's changed to Preset 004, 005, and/or 006. Even that isn't stable as sometimes I'll watch a voice occasionally toggle from one value to the next (e.g. Back and forth between Preset 005 and 006). This seems to occur with the same random nature that the OLED display error occurred and has got me wondering if this has been going on the whole time I've had the new OLED, but went undetected because I was fixated on the display errors at the time.
Could this be noise on the USB_DP & USB_DN lines? Anybody else experience this? I'm VERY interested in 'eurofying' my Preen, but I need to get this synth up and running and rock solid first. It's been too long!