Why doesn't the MixerGain (CC73) work for fade-in and fade-out ? It's available even when no filter is selected.
According to this List:
https://ixox.fr/preenfm2/manual/midi/ CC73 is "filter-gain" and not "mixer"-gain.

This is why I didn't even think it would work without a filter being set.
Now, that I have tried it, it seems very well suited for the job. Only weird thing remaining in that context is, that it is on CC73 (just curious, was there any particular reason for this?) and not on CC7 (which would be Midi-Channel-Volume).
According to that same Midi-CC-List for the Preen (is it complete?) CC7 is not used. If so, would it be possible to double CC73 on CC7? So, that the PreenFM2 would react on both? CC73 for backwards-compatibility and CC7 for all sorts of "Standard"-Midi-Sequencer-Software? CC7 for Channel-Volume is pretty much an agreed standard...
And can you clarify what you mean or want to achieve with "stereo-separation" ?
I will try to...
You can place the output of the four mixer-channels of a given PreenFM2-Voice in the stereo-position separately -- which is a very cool feature, btw -- like you can do with the separate audio-levels of these. This is (according to the list mentioned above) controlled for the pan-position of each mixer-output with CCs (23 + (n-1) *2), and for the volume of each mixer-output with CCs (22 + (n-1) *2). So CC22 would control Mix1-Volume and CC23 would control Mix1-Pan-Position... This text is just an attempt to clarify of what I am speaking about (you will know these CCs by yourself for sure...

What I would like to have additionally would be some means of a "global" Pan-Position (Standard-CC for this would be CC10).
So what would be the desired behaviour of CC10? Imagine CC23 (pan MIX1) is set to totally left and CC25 (MIX2) is set to totally right. CC10 then would be reacting as follows: CC10 set to left: MIX1 and MIX2 mapped completely to the left position. CC10 set to right: MIX1 and MIX2 mapped completely to the right position. CC10 set to center: MIX1 left, MIX2 right as set by CC23 and CC25.
Why do I bother and ask?
I use the preenFM2 mainly in a DAW-Sequencer-Setup in which I use all four of its midi-channels with different instruments. Most DAWs/Midi-Sequencers provide Channel-Volume and Channel-Panning on CCs Nr. 7 and Nr. 10 inside of some sort of channel-mixer in that scenario. And "all" (despite the Waldorf Rocket ... which is monophonic and doesn't feature midi-controlled volume at all...) my synths feature them on these CCs. Except the PreenFM2.
all the best,