
Thank you for your help !
Okay so yesterday i bought a new USB key, then everything was working as expected.
My synth is now running v2.21 and everything works fine

I just have 2 little problems left :
- There's a lot of noise on the synth, but im powering it via USB so i guess maybe using an external power supply will get rid of that.
- It looks like i cant control the synth via midi IN cable. Is it supposed to work as soon as I plug something in ? I tried with an MPC One (MPC midi out to preenfm midi in), an electric piano (piano midi out to preen midi in) and via the midi OUT on a USB audio interface. Tried loading a combo on the preen then tried to send commands on channel 1/2/3/4 with external gear via the midi din cable. I expected to hear instruments 1/2/3/4 but nothing worked.
Hardware-wise, i've never soldered a midi cable before so maybe I missed something, but i've soldered IN 4/5 on the board to pins 4/5 of the midi IN connector, and pins OUT 4/5 on the board to the pins 4/5 of the midi OUT connector.
Almost there !

And again thank you really much for your help !