Author Topic: Backup and Restore Function  (Read 6384 times)


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Backup and Restore Function
« on: April 03, 2021, 06:03:54 AM »
I love the sounds and the presets that I have been able to implement on my Preenfm3 since I built it a few weeks ago!

So... that leaves me with another question-
Is there some sort of way that I may save the complete group of 6 instruments, the presets and mixers to a system file on the SD card.  The setup.txt file should have a way to tell the Preenfm3 at power-up to load the saved image file from the SD card, if it exists!

Each time I cycle the power, my device comes up cleared to initial setup defaults.  Is there a way to backup and restore a system image after power cycling?


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Re: Backup and Restore Function
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2021, 09:31:38 AM »
I think what you want is in MENU>Mixer>Defl>Save>Yes
"Defl" is for "default".
After you save your favorite Mixer state (MIXER STATE + ALL 6 instrumnet presets) in DEFL it will be loaded when you power on your preenfm3.

And if you want to reset to you default without rebooting : MENU>Mixer>Defl>Load
And last, to delete your default setting and go back to the default preenfm3 mixer at power up : MENU>Mixer>Defl>Clear

It's also exists for the Sequencer in a different default file : MENU>Seq>Defl.


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Re: Backup and Restore Function
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2021, 07:41:25 PM »
Ahh yes...  mentioned in the Mixer part of the documentation!
Thank you for the detailed explanation of saving the instrument images to a default file here! 
I now have a "MIX.DFL" file on my sd memory card!
I also found the ability to create other separate instrument memory images and save them in a self titled file that I called "SAMPLES1.MIX".
It will take a while to fill up my 16GB sd card!
« Last Edit: April 03, 2021, 07:45:21 PM by Schatzy »