I already started to see some videos about dsp on octave, now I have a starting point, probably in a few weeks I would have some questions

I don’t know if you can recommend some tutorials, starting tutorials that u can add here or in other post, I think would be great for me or for other persons that are interested to start this journey.
Yep, I remember of seen this menu of performance, I don’t have open the preenfm3 right now. But yes I think that would be lovely to have this menu really near to the mix volume screen
For me when I’m live performing the volume levels are the main or basic screen that I have during the gig, like this I adjust during the perform the levels, now I think that would be great to click the knob on the mix volume level screen and enter on a sub screen where u can see knobs 1 to 4 to adsr and 5 for the filter and knob 6 for move thru the different sounds that are loaded on the the mix .
Because I think that when u are on a performance the last think that u want it’s menu diving.
I would love to hear what think Xavier about that.
Other idea on this menu it’s to push a bottom for example the + and with the six knob have the function for scroll thru the mix list of presets. Until now this are important points in my opinion that would make easier and attractive the live performance
I think that be able to see improvements on the preenfm3 on the side of live performing would be great. Cuz already it’s super a device super optimal to be on live sets
Anyway I’m going to still seeing this tutorials on how to do a sine wave , so I guess it’s a long travel until I can make some adjust