PreenFM > preenfm2 and preenfm3


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You can check if the LED is in backwards.

The straight edge of the LED should go towards negative. The rounded side towards positive


--- Quote from: UltraBlack on August 16, 2023, 02:48:41 PM ---The straight edge of the LED should go towards negative. The rounded side towards positive

--- End quote ---

This is a surface mount LED that comes soldered with the unit. The LED used to light at startup and it is still working. I checked the continuity once more and it is ok from the processor to the LED.

At some point the LED blinked while playing the sequencer but later on I couldnt find how I did it. I think it was synced to the internal clock but I'm not sure.

As mentioned before, all works perfect other than the LED. LFO's, sequencer and ARP syncs well to the external clock.


--- Quote from: odayan on August 16, 2023, 01:25:19 AM ---Yes it was LOAD connector and now works perfect!! After hours of headbanging that first crystal clear sound is priceless!!! 🕺😄

Everything works perfect, midi din as well, the only remaining issue is the midi clock light, all lfos arp and seq are set to ext and the unit receives clock (* blinks) but no blue led blinking (neither at startup)😄. What could be the problem?

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I'm back home.
I'm so happy to read this  :) Congrats for the fix !!

So you're talking about the LED on the control board ?
It's a direct wire to the main board than to the CPU.
It's labelled simply "led" on both main board and control board.
But if everything else is working, i would NOT focus on that one, it's not very usefull !

Hi Xavier,

Yes it is working perfect! I've never had such a marvelous unit before, but as a beginner at fm, it is only giving me deep headaches these days  ;D

I dont care about the LED itself, if you say that it is not a symptom of another problem that I dont know of, thats fine for me. Thank you!!!


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