Hi all. First post from a newbie here. Just received a second hand Plexiglass FM2. Sounds great. Just what I was looking for. I updated the FW to 2.12, and downloaded the 3.1.1 mac editor (I'm on 10.15.7)
However, I cannot seem to get any MIDI into the editor ... I've selected the correct option > midi input (I checked with midi monitor app that all was OK arriving at the computer)
Also, how do I get to the preset editor page ?
The "midi" button in the main page, is the one where you must chose the "preenfm" midi device. Use USB and select "preen mk2" on both input and output.
The menu "Option > Midi input" allow you to select a midi keyboard.. All midi from the "checked" device will be redirected to the preenfm selected in the above line.
On my mac i put VST and Component (Audio unit) file in my user library
Ableton detect them without problem.
Although MacOS requires 1000 confirmations because i'm not a approved developer from apple.
Hi, yes, that's exactly what I've done with the standalone editor, but is still not receiving MIDI from my MPK249. I know it's connected OK, as I can edit the preen from the editor whilst sending DIN midi to it directly, just can't get MIDI in to the editor.
I have managed to get the AU plugin working now, and that receives MIDI ok, it's just the standalone that doesn't
Also, how do I get to the page to re-arrange my presets please ? Do I need to have it in USB access mode ?