« on: February 21, 2018, 09:52:39 AM »
Some feedback for you. I'm running a MBP with High Sierra 10.13.3. I'm running 2.08.4 of the editor.
First off, the standalone editor appears to work great!
The AU scanned fine and seems to work fine in Logic 10.4.0.
In Hosting AU v1.5.0, the AU editor loads up fine and appears to work.
In Renoise 3.1.0, the VST scans and works fine. The AU fails during scan. Here is the error in the log:
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Preenfm2Editor.vst/Contents/MacOS/Preenfm2Editor'...
VstPlugs: Plugin is a Mach-O executable...
VstPlugs: Analyzing VST plugin 'Ixox: Preenfm2Editor', Unique ID:1232621618, Version:2400
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK
VstPlugs: CreateInstance succeeded
VstPlugs: Opening custom cocoa editor window for plug 'Ixox: Preenfm2Editor'...
VstPlugs: Cocoa Editor window for plug 'Ixox: Preenfm2Editor' was closed
AU: Trying to open plugin:'Ixox: Preenfm2 Editor' (aumu:IxP2:Ixox)...
AU: Failed to create the plugin (Error:-50)!
AU: Instantiate FAILED
In Bitwig 2.2.3, the VST scans and appears to work fine.
In FL Studio 12.9 Mac Beta 3 build 108, probably the most fragile of these, both the AU and VST scan fine and appear to work fine! Woo!
Looking forward to experimenting with the editor some more when I get more time. Keep up the great work!