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Topics - UltraBlack

Pages: [1]
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Patch sharing!
« on: July 16, 2023, 02:53:39 PM »
I thought that it would definitely help this community, if we were to share our (best?) patches, because there are only a few, tech-demo-esque default patches. Why not bring together what can be used much more easily?

I'll start:

While I'm at it, I might as well share what I did with them:

Please share your patches as well! No matter if they are bad in your opinion. All patches are interesting!

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Suggestions and Bug reports
« on: May 13, 2023, 11:51:23 PM »
I love this synth so far, but I have some ideas that would make it a little easier to use (at least for me):
- Put the symbols behind all alphabet characters in the renaming menus. You are more likely to use these instead of the non-alphabet characters, but for some reason, these are at the very beginning of the character list, making it a little annoying to always have to skip these while searching for a character
- Allow using envelope parameters from other operators/modulators. I often face this situation where I want the exact same envelope over multiple carriers/modulators and having to dial them in manually to the exact same value, every time. What I would like is a mode (maybe use the values below the current minimum) that you can select as an envelope value to get that value from another carriers/modulator.

Something like this:
Carrier 1: ADSR: 1 2 3 4; Level: 1 1 0 0
Modulator 2: ADSR: 1 2 (C 1) 3; Level (C 1) (C 1) (C 1) 1

- You can modify grayed-out parameters, e.g. in the Editor/Engine/2 menu
- Switching between different envelope settings often fails to draw the correct waveform on-screen (Also I don't think that the "rand" waveform needs to be different every time you switch to it. It's a neat detail, but probably goes unnoticed for way too long. If you want some change, use a constexpr to generate a random waveform at compile time)

One last thing: The PFM3 is advertised as having per-voice effects. I can also see that the bottom center menu (ARP/FX) is supposed to have effects, but I only see the filter section in terms of effects there. Where can I configure the per-voice effects?

Edit: One more thing that has been on my mind for quite a while: Is there a chance that we can get a freely modifiable engine algorithm? I often want to add some texture to some sub-modulator, but then realize that there is no algorithm that has the exact layout that I would need to add another modulator to the existing modulator. Since you can't switch carrier/modulator configurations, it's hard to get exactly what you want without meticulously planning out what you want to use where beforehand, which is not the point of FM imo.

Hey there,
My PFM3 just arrived today, and I'm really excited to use it more, but there is one issue that prevents me from doing so right now: After using the synth for a few minutes, updating pixels start getting stuck on yellow. Once this starts happening, more and more pixels do the same thing, until text is barely legible. Interestingly, the pixels are only stuck in specific screens, but always around text, or where text could be.
I tried to change the TFT reinit setting to Auto, but whatever that does, it does not change anything.
Is there a way to fix this or at least work around it?

Also are there any plans for a thorough manual or usage video? I'm kinda (very) lost in the menu system.


Edit: The bug must be somewhere around here:
I sadly can't find out, how and where TFTActions are used, maybe because the github search is trash. I can only assume that there is an issue with the way that the TFTActions are handled. I assume, that there is some kind of cache that tries to reduce the updates, but in this case corrupts pixels in a box around any piece of text. What is even weirder is the fact that it just happens over time. The corruption starts, and more pixels just get added on top of the existing error, as if some buffer was not cleared after use...

Edit 2: I'm on firmware 996, but I also tried 999 (the effects build from that one thread).

Edit 3: I finally found where the tftactions are used:
How does this work? I can barely understand what's going on... My first guess would be, that the tftmemory is faulty, but only around text? (I did notice some glitching in the env curve editor as well, but I could only notice some at the very top of the box

Edit 4: I think I found something. The only case where "setDirtyArea" is used is whenever a character is written. Could someone build that but with "tftDirtyBits = TFT_PART_ALL_BITS;" instead of setDirtyArea?

Edit 5: Would this even work or would I end up with a screen that then only contains the updated text and nothing else?

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Volume Level with a 10k resistor
« on: April 10, 2023, 12:25:07 PM »
Hey there,

I'm planning to get a PreenFM3 once they come back in stock on Van-Daal. Since it has six stereo outputs, I need to get a new way to mix that together and thought of a passive mixer (because it's cheap)

Does anyone know how severe the volume drop is with a 10k resistor on both channels? I'm wondering, if it is even worth dealing with the hassle of building one if the synth is way too silent afterwards.


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