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Topics - dimifrag

Pages: [1]
Hi i have the preenfm2 with the R4F board, because is old the kit has the lcd screen and i want to change it with the oled screen.
I need trimmer resistor ?

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / 2 Mono Instruments Simultaneously?
« on: January 23, 2014, 07:59:03 PM »
Hi PreenFM Community!
Can i play 2 mono instruments simultaneously, one from the left channel and the other from the right channel?
The PreenFM2 has 4 instruments and i need to rec or play on different channels at the same time in ableton because i have different effects!
Or someone can make a mod for the preenfm2 (3 more stereo outputs :D) to play the 4 instruments together in individual stereo channels!

Hi PreenFM2 Community!
It is possible to add more waveforms in PreenFM2 like the Ableton Operator e.x. Saw D?

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