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preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PC/MAC preenfm editor 3.1.4 (Preenfm2 Unison)
« Last post by Xavier on January 21, 2024, 06:22:42 PM »
Somehow the conexion works in the Standalone editor but as soon as i select the device in a DAW and send midi to it (tried with ableton and reaper) the standalone connexion also stop working.

Hi hupelcanel,

It should work with windows 10.

The preenfm editor open a direct connection to the midi device to to talk to the hardware.
So the standalone AND the plugin version cannot be used at the same time.

And for the plugin to work in a DAW you want to make sur that the daw does not already use the connection.
For AbletonLive for in Preferences>MIDI
And make sure "PreenFM MK2" is not used neither in input nor in output. All box must be unchecked.
Then you should be able to select "PreenFM MK2" in input and output in the plugin.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Vosim & al.
« Last post by Xavier on January 21, 2024, 06:15:14 PM »
That's really cool. Thanks  :)

My work pulled me away from preenfm firmware the last couple of months.
It should much better in a week or so.
I cannot wait to take a look at that.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Vosim & al.
« Last post by matrix12x on January 20, 2024, 06:00:46 PM »
Awesome. I still use mine all the time. I will update it with this OS to try out the new features.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Vosim & al.
« Last post by Toltekradiation on January 20, 2024, 05:43:22 PM »
as the preenfm2 have not so much love these days, i did a pfm2 firmware version with the lfo shapes from the pfm3 and the 4 vosim algo as well...
it seems to work well, these features does not need much cpu nor ram.

fw attached
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: more matrix sources
« Last post by maki on January 19, 2024, 04:47:47 PM »
Yes, it is both wierd and innovative. To play a set of monophonic synth as a polyphonic synth from a very modest fm box. Or to treat several midi channels as several monophonic lines from an external midi controller. I have never seen such a concept before. It would be beautiful.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: PC/MAC preenfm editor 3.1.4 (Preenfm2 Unison)
« Last post by hipelcanel on January 19, 2024, 01:41:42 PM »

The editor on windows 10 can't connect to the Preen fm2 with USB midi.

The message "input cannot be open" keep poping up when i'm trying to connect the editor.

I've choose all the correct settings in the Midi settings of the preen and also tried differents one.
I've tried different versions of the editor.

I've been using the editor on a mac before with success with the same preen.

Somehow the conexion works in the Standalone editor but as soon as i select the device in a DAW and send midi to it (tried with ableton and reaper) the standalone connexion also stop working.

Did someone had a similar experience or know what could be the problem ?

I'm running out of ideas...

Thanks for yr help
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: more matrix sources
« Last post by Toltekradiation on January 19, 2024, 07:44:26 AM »
i feel it a bit weird to do such job from a synth.
Don't you use a sequencer ? i think it should be sequencer's job.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: more matrix sources
« Last post by maki on January 18, 2024, 11:04:27 PM »
I think you are the only man on the planet who can convert PD graphics to PreenFM2 matrix!  Mididispatcher is waiting for you to release its power on the Preenfm2. :)
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: more matrix sources
« Last post by Toltekradiation on January 18, 2024, 10:03:29 PM »
just change the value on the [poly] object in the patch, from 4 to 16.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: more matrix sources
« Last post by maki on January 18, 2024, 09:54:06 PM »
Can Preenfm2 load pictures of PD patches? Why a limit of 4?
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