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I know it's not very clear.
But from the midi doc ( :

Program change
Bank select (CC#0) and Bank Select LSB (#32)
Preenfm bank : CC#0 = 0 then  CC#32 = Preenfm bank number
Combo bank : CC#0 = 1 then CC#32 = Combo number
DC7 bank : CC#0 = 2 then CC#32 = DX7 bank from 0 to 127
DC7 bank : CC#0 = 3 then CC#32 = DX7 bank from 128 to 55

So to access Bank2, program 26 you should send :
CC#0 = 0 (optional because that's the default)
CC#32 = 1 (for Bank 2, it's 0 based)

Then program change will select the preset in Bank2.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: DX7 banks dont appear in preen fm2
« Last post by Xavier on May 20, 2024, 02:01:25 PM »


Only 4104 bytes Sysex file are compatible. I think there are other sysex with different sizes and they won't work.
They must also have .syx extension.

256 is the max number of DX7 file you can have. Because they are pre-read and filename are in memory.

Reminder : The first FAQ of preenfm3 also applies to prrenfm2 :

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Preenfm2 Program Change messages only works on Bank 1?
« Last post by Esppse on May 17, 2024, 07:36:31 AM »

I have programmed a midi controller to do bank select and program change messages.

I have successfully made the bank select part of it. With Program change, the unit only goes to the correct program when it is on Bank 0. When I select any of the other banks, PFM2 does not change programs. I am on the latest 2.21b.

Is there a way to access remotely for example: Bank 2, Program 27?

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / DX7 banks dont appear in preen fm2
« Last post by karlisss on May 09, 2024, 11:46:42 AM »
I downloaded from web patchbanks as .SYX files for DX7 and when i put them in DX7 folder syx files do not show up.
WHere to upload syx files?

and Q2:
 in my DX7 folder are way more default syx banks, when i browse folder in USB mode, but in synth only 255 appears and no other bank after letter M ...  how to see rest of the banks?
PreenFM1 (the blue one) / Re: Firmware 2.00
« Last post by albertswift on May 03, 2024, 06:40:20 PM »

Is there a repository for all the old FreenFm Mk1 information, most of the build links seem dead?

I have just discovered an unboxed Crystal PreenFM kit I bought in 2012 but never got around to building.

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Vosim & al.
« Last post by Xavier on March 28, 2024, 10:27:55 PM »
Thanks a lot.
I think i'll have time to look at it this week-end.

EDITED : i didn't do it.... But i keep that in my radar.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Released an EP featuring a bunch of PreenFM2
« Last post by thejewk on March 27, 2024, 03:56:38 PM »

Here's a noise/drone piece I made today, running one of my favourite PreenFM2 patches through the FX track of my Analog Keys, modulating the performance controls via CC.
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Vosim & al.
« Last post by Toltekradiation on March 23, 2024, 12:03:46 PM »

as i added the latest modifications of the vosim branch to the preenfm2 version, here is a PR to make things slightly easier for you : :)
preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Vosim & al.
« Last post by Toltekradiation on March 17, 2024, 07:39:08 PM »
About documentation, i would mention the first part of the Rob Hordijk page about vosim :
which describe well what is done for the windowed sync part.

then for each algo, the comment of the voice.ccp should do :

ALG29 :

Osc 1 synced by 3

             .---.         .---.
             | 3*|         | 4 |
             '---'         '---'
             |IM1           |IM2
             .---.          .---.
             |*1 |          | 2 |
             '---'          '---'
             |Mix1          |Mix2

ALG30 :

Osc 1 & 2 synced by 3

             .---.         .---.
             | 3*|         | 4 |
             '---'         '---'
             |IM1 \IM2 IM3/ |IM4
             .---.          .---.
             |*1 |          |*2 |
             '---'          '---'
             |Mix1          |Mix2

ALG31 :

Osc 1 2 3 synced by 4

                    | 4*|
               /IM1 |IM2 \IM3
             .---.  .---.  .---.
             |*1 |  |*2 |  |*3 |
             '---'  '---'  '---'
             |Mix1  |Mix2  | Mix3

ALG32 :

Osc 1 synced by 4

             .---.  .---.     .---.
             | 2 |  | 3 |     | 4*|
             '---'  '---'     '---'
             \IM1  |IM2    /IM3
                   |*1 |

preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: Vosim & al.
« Last post by Xavier on March 17, 2024, 07:07:20 PM »
I need to add a little documentation somewhere about the new algos..

And will do the preenfm2 version very soon.
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