Le's try to answer you questions

Is there a full manual that explains how the UI works on the PreenFM3?
Documentation takes a lot of time, and it is for sure the weak part of the preenfm family.
https://github.com/Ixox/preenfm3/wiki/QuickstartThis as well as the link on the right is the main documentation that currently exists.
How do you change parameters such as filter, attack, decay etc? Would it be possible to control these parameters via something like the Key step pro via MIDI?[/li][/list]
Midi implementation is compatible with preenfm2, so the doc is here :
https://ixox.fr/preenfm2/preenfm/midi/The preenfm3 is in addition MPE compatible, and has a few more midi CC to reacts to the built-in sequencer starts / Stop.
Would user creates patches available online designed for the DX7 or Korg Volca FM (as seen for example here: http://oscillatorsink.com) to be used on the FM3? As I understand it, the sounds may differ slightly, but they will work, right?[/li][/list]
My opinion on the preen vs DX7 :
https://github.com/Ixox/preenfm3/wiki/FAQDoes the FM3 respond or can be programmed to respond to aftertouch via MIDI?[/li][/list]
Aftertouch as well as polyphonic aftertouch are both suported.
Why hasn't anyone uploaded a video tutorial on how to use the FM3 yet or given anything more than a fleeting demo of it's utility and capability?[/li][/list]
I would love to have one too

I want to make one at some point, i but always push it....
The sales of the preenfm are very far from the sales of big company synth you can buy on the web. So it still has not reach someone who wants/has time to make a tutorial.