Author Topic: Stm32F4Discovery port  (Read 56090 times)


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2014, 11:55:45 PM »
Many thanks! I don't know why Eclipse was giving weird errors. I'll try this out tonight and compare it to my FS1r.


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2014, 04:05:16 PM »
Quick question: will this firmware work without an LCD attached?

Here were my errors compiling the boot binary:

Code: [Select]
C:\preenFM2\trunk>make boot
arm-none-eabi-c++  -Tlinker_bootloader/stm32f4xx.ld  -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mf
loat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16 -gc-sections --specs=nano.specs   build/BootLoad
er.o build/usb_storage_usr.o build/usbd_storage_desc.o build/usbd_storage.o buil
d/usbKey_usr.o build/usb_bsp.o build/Encoders.o build/LiquidCrystal.o build/UsbK
ey.o build/Storage.o build/Common.o build/system_stm32f4xx.o build/stm32f4xx_gpi
o.o build/stm32f4xx_rcc.o build/stm32f4xx_flash.o build/stm32f4xx_usart.o build/
ff.o build/fattime.o build/usb_core.o build/usb_hcd.o build/usb_hcd_int.o build/
usb_dcd.o build/usb_dcd_int.o build/usbh_core.o build/usbh_hcs.o build/usbh_iore
q.o build/usbh_stdreq.o build/usbh_msc_core.o build/usbh_msc_bot.o build/usbh_ms
c_scsi.o build/usbh_msc_fatfs.o build/usbd_core.o build/usbd_ioreq.o build/usbd_
req.o build/usbd_msc_bot.o build/usbd_msc_core.o build/usbd_msc_data.o build/usb
d_msc_scsi.o build/misc.o build/startup_bootloader.o -o build/p2_boot_1.11.elf
build/BootLoader.o: In function `BootLoader::initKey()':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:121: undefined reference to `Usb
build/BootLoader.o: In function `BootLoader::burnFlash()':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:384: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::loadFirmwarePart(char*, int, void*, int)'
build/BootLoader.o: In function `BootLoader::process()':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:141: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::readNextFirmwareName(char*, int*)'
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/BootLoader.cpp:157: undefined reference to `Usb
build/usbd_storage.o: In function `STORAGE_GetCapacity(unsigned char, unsigned l
ong*, unsigned short*)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/usbd_storage.c:138: undefined reference to `Usb
build/usbd_storage.o: In function `STORAGE_Read(unsigned char, unsigned char*, u
nsigned long, unsigned short)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/usbd_storage.c:180: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::diskioRead(unsigned char*, int, int)'
build/usbd_storage.o: In function `STORAGE_Write(unsigned char, unsigned char*,
unsigned long, unsigned short)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/bootloader/usbd_storage.c:195: undefined reference to `Usb
Key::diskioWrite(unsigned char*, int, int)'
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::copy(char*, char const*, int)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:36: undefined reference to `preenMain
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::copy_string(char*, char const*)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:554: undefined reference to `midiConf
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:554: undefined reference to `midiConf
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::copy(char*, char const*, int)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:36: undefined reference to `preenMain
build/Storage.o: In function `Storage::getValue(char*, char*)':
C:\preenFM2\trunk/src/hardware/Storage.cpp:601: undefined reference to `midiConf
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [build/p2_boot_1.11.elf] Error 1


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2014, 04:20:51 PM »
I've never tried it without LCD. The control surface works exactly the same way as the original pFM2, I didn't change it.
Related to build errors I'm sorry, but I'm not an expert in it.


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2014, 04:28:16 PM »
No problem - I at least have your bootloader and I finally managed to get the rest compiled.

I'll get an LCD to test it.

Thanks again, norbim1.


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2016, 04:29:30 PM »
I built a low budget PreenFM (first version) using home made pcb and a maple mini clone, with a cheap 2004 LCD bought fm ebay...It works quite well!
Now I want to start the PreenFM 2 project on a low budget! I don't have the skill to code and compile the firmware...
Your stm32f4 Discovery porting is the best choice for me..
The questions are:
1) Is it possible to use your compiled bin (boot and firmware) using an ordinary (not oled) lcd (20*04)?
2) Once I've uploaded your boot loader to the Discovery board, is it possible to use the official and updated compiled firmware without any change?
2) What about the audio out quality of the Discovery? Could you please post some audio demo?

Thank you very much for your kindly reply!

S. Rizzo


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2016, 10:11:03 PM »


1) I'm almost sure the answer is yes, as there's not reason the low level display code has been changed.
And the preenfm2 works with regular LCD.

2) No. Norbim's firmware uses the DAC of the discovery and different pins for devices.
But i just noticed the firmware is regularly updated on
Nice job by the way :)



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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2016, 10:27:45 PM »
Thank you very much for your fast reply!
Your synth is fantastic!
Could you please compile them (boot and firmware) for me?
I don't have the necessary skill to do it now..  :(



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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2016, 08:44:38 AM »

You can start with the zip file from previous page.
It contains the bootlooder 1.11 (latest version) and an old firmware but that will allow you to setup and check your hardware.

I'll try to compile Norbim's latest firmware later.

Let us know how the build goes,



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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2016, 10:23:43 AM »

I'll try to begin with the old firmware...waiting for the (compiled) new one!

Many, many thanks!


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2016, 08:21:41 PM »
Here is the latest compiled fw.


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2016, 11:34:43 PM »

thank you for the fw!
Can you please confirm, I can use an ordinary LCD 20*04... I read that you did some change on the display driver...
What about the audio quality of The Discovery DAC? Are you happy with it?

Tks again for your help!



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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2016, 11:57:11 PM »
To Xavier...


I've downloaded and study your schematics...I can't find the one relative to your uC board (FPreen405)?
Does it is open-hardware or not?
What type of minimum system do you use? The one of the CERB40?
Is it possible to have the schematic?
I'm looking to redesign the pcb to embed the uC...or at least to use a smd chip to dip converter and some THT components for resistors, xtal and caps...

Thank a lot for your beautiful project!


p.s. in attached "my" PreenFM modular version


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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2016, 07:04:36 PM »

I just uploaded the preenF405 schematic here :

I don't understand your "minimum system" question.




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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2016, 08:58:58 AM »

fantastic, I've just dwnld the schematics! Thank you so much!

I meant with or without 32khz rtc xtal... as for CERB40 version one or two..

What I'm thinking is to use an lqfp64 to dip converter for the stm32f405 chip and put caps, resistors and xtal near it on a custom board... with the other components: dacs, opamps, conectors and so on.
What do you think, may be work?

Do you use stlink-v2 and the pins "P1" and "jump3" on the main PreenFM2 board to program (at least for the boot-loader) the preenF405 uC?

I made my own "singe side" pcb... to lower the cost for my projects (as I did with the version one of the PreenFM) so I want to try this way for your new project.

Best regards and tks again!  ;)



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Re: Stm32F4Discovery port
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2016, 10:03:55 AM »
Hello there..
I dont understand much to this thread, but Norbim's box is absolutely beautiful !! Both the box, with the wooden sides, and the knobs..  a very delightful one..
Have a nice week-end..
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 10:07:34 AM by opus.quatre »