Author Topic: key range, velocity range  (Read 5246 times)


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key range, velocity range
« on: October 17, 2021, 11:01:53 PM »
would it be possible to allow a key range to restrict each of the 4 instruments to fade out or stop playing outside of a specified key range or velocity range?  so in essence you could build a multi layered patch that was very expressive instead of using the layers as different instruments.  in essence making the whole machine about layers of a single patch but all responding accordingly?  this would take the machine to the next level for reasonably complex patches.  i know you could use the matrix for some of this but im unaware of you can make a velocity range for a patch as easily.  it would be nice to have a higher level of layer management so the option to use it this way were available without going into detail in the matrix.  like another page after 'engine' for keyrange/velocity/fade parameters? ill totally buy you a beer or 5


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Re: key range, velocity range
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2021, 09:38:06 PM »
The preenfm3 has key range limit and key shift options for each instrument in the mixer pages.
That allows you to control several instruments from 1 keyboard with same midi channel.
I don't have plan to add that to the preenfm2.

Velocity range has lots of interest with samples from real instrument.
Adding that to the preenfm would be weird.
Modifying params with velocity as source in the matrix sounds like the way to go for FM.

If you really want to expermient, i think that's the kind of processing that can ben done before reaching the preenfm in a midi processor.


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Re: key range, velocity range
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2021, 02:30:34 AM »
good to know about the preenfm3.   i guess that would work.  do you plan to add much more to the preenfm2?  seems like some less processor intensive things would make sense.  anyway, thanks for unison, its really the best way to imprint some of these sounds.  im definitely looking forward to the preenfm3.  ill most likely get another if i like it!


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Re: key range, velocity range
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2021, 09:17:36 AM »
do you plan to add much more to the preenfm2?  seems like some less processor intensive things would make sense.

I'll definitely fix any bugs that are found in the preenfm2.
And yes, maybe some less processor intensive things such as midi feature.
I don't have anything in mind right now.


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Re: key range, velocity range
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2022, 09:45:53 AM »
@Xavier if possible, please include the option for the MIDI note range limit per channel for preen fm2 also, I would also find it useful, especially for some percussive setup, eg. channel 10 note 70 -> ch1, note 71 -> ch2 ... and control these from KeyStep Pro Drum mode. Isn't that more-less a simple copy-paste of the code from preen fm3?


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Re: key range, velocity range
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2022, 03:33:15 PM »
The preenfm2 does not have an instrument configuration such as the "mixer" pages of the preenfm3.

In the preenfm2, it's difficult to add parameters without added pages to the already crowded pages.
The modification in the midiDecoder code is not complicated.
If you want to give a try :
preenfm2 :
preenfm3 :
But where to add the midi configuration for the 4 instruments ?

I have the Arturia KeyStep (non pro) and with the editor it's easy to specify a different channel per pad.


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Re: key range, velocity range
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2022, 01:15:14 PM »
Unfortunately, the KSP has a fixed MIDI channel per (Drum)track  :'(

I'm not at all good at coding, couldn't make a change like this... I think it could be on the pages part where the Instrument settings are (ALG, Filter, IM) as a new page with MIDI note range A0-G9 selection, and maybe also some midi volume/pan setting to fill up the encoder usage?  ::)


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Re: key range, velocity range
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2022, 01:53:58 PM »
@Xavier I found a workaround to my use-case :-D
(so to use the PreenFm2 as a one-channel, note-split limited "percussion" module with the KSP drum seq mode and 6-voice Volca Drum on Ch10)

The trick is with the Note Scaling, setting two limiters that target volume

Note1 Midi Scaling: +Exp 35 Flat
Note2 Midi Scaling: Flat 30 +Exp
(numbers are arbitrary, but some 1-2 relation like this seems to work)
Not1 -> -10 -> *Mix
Not2 -> -10 -> *Mix

This way the notes (volumes) are limited to approx 4-5 keys, so the 4 channels can be split into some 20-25 notes range, which is perfectly ok
Of course, the Osc needs to be on fixed freq
What I reckon is an issue with this is that the notes are triggered anyway (that are being sent to the other gear on the same channel), so it is probably problematic in regard to polyphony and note-stealing