Although it's a mess, I feel like sharing some presets that I use. I didn't come up with all of them: some of them are straight DX7/sysex imports, others copycats of DX7 presets, some inspired by the default presets of the Shruthi (4 & 15) and there is also a preset that
widdly shared on the forums (12 & 16).
Those are keyboard playing oriented. I recommend using reverb, I have a TC Hall of Fame and an echo, it helps a lot.
I hope people who know the DX7 will recognize patches 36, 38, 41, 42 and 43, as those are copies from the ROM1A presets. Importing sysex was not providing great results (as Xavier mentions on the website the point is more to start working on sound rather than getting accomplished patches), so I used the freeware "DX7 Librarian" to check out how they were made. I also used
this video as a reference for 36 & 38 mainly.
The presets that I came up with and use often would be 1, 8, 11.
The rest are mainly sysex imports. I often use 33.
As you can see most of them are pretty soft on the FM side

Some of them have mod wheel / pitch bend / performance pots active, some others don't.