« Last post by wahsp on February 25, 2024, 09:31:13 PM »
Hi there!
I am having loads of fun with the PreenFM3. I just encountered an issue I cannot seem to figure out: When I use the midi note modulators to make panning track the keyboard (low notes left, high notes right), I cannot make it work correctly with just one midi note modulator. For example, when I have it set up as -Lin, 60, +Lin and then multiply Note 1 with Pan* in the matrix, then both low notes and high notes see to pan to the left.
I only get it to work correctly if I use two separate modulators in the matrix, like so:
Note 1: -Lin, 60, Flat
Note 2: Flat, 60 +Lin
Am I overlooking something?
EDIT: I just found that I only get the expected behaviour when I set Before and After to -Ln8 and +Ln8.