Author Topic: tuning  (Read 10665 times)


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« on: November 03, 2023, 11:43:48 AM »
I was wondering about the PFM3 tuning. I have experimented successfully loading different Scala files. It's a breeze and I'm very happy with the results to date. This then has me wondering - is the Preen a full keyboard micro tuning (where each separate midi note can be specified an arbitrary frequency)? Or is it rather that it can accept specific micro scales but not exact frequency/key-maps? My assumption is that it is not full keyboard micro tuning - as I can't find any settings in the instrument - but if it is, how do we access that?

I love the Preen, it's such a fantastic instrument ... but I sometimes long for a detailed manual or deep dive video. I understand why these don't exist, and I always knew they didn't exist. And in the end, even missing those things, I love this thing.


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Re: tuning
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2023, 06:26:30 PM »

The micro tonality can only be achieved through Scala files.
You can write your own scale and import them into your preenfm3.
So the limits are the scala file limit:

You can still change the default frequency values here (128 values for midi note from 0 to 127) :
And recompile the firmware.



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Re: tuning
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2023, 11:31:38 AM »
as i understand your question, i would add that in the pfm3, there is a scala mapping option (scala page 2)
where one can select the kind of mapping : continuous to keyboard

it is explained in the pfm 2 manual :

The last option Map is set to Keyboard by default. In this mode, it will always make a C starting each scale. This is relevant for scales with number of notes different from 12. The keyboard mode makes scales easier to play on… keyboard.
‘Continuous’ option will start each next scale right after the previous one is finished, which make it harder to play on keyboard, but can be usefull with other kind of midi controller.


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Re: tuning
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2023, 12:43:46 AM »
Apologies Xavier for taking this long to acknowledge your reply. At least for my current needs I can work well with the Scala database - it has my area of interest well covered. In some ways my question may have been more me thinking speculatively about possibilities when I can already currently achieve what I want. That is something! - the Preen is just LOADED -


The micro tonality can only be achieved through Scala files.
You can write your own scale and import them into your preenfm3.
So the limits are the scala file limit:

You can still change the default frequency values here (128 values for midi note from 0 to 127) :
And recompile the firmware.



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Re: tuning
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2023, 12:47:06 AM »
thanks for mentioning the pfm2 manual. I'd sort of forgotten about that.  ::)
as i understand your question, i would add that in the pfm3, there is a scala mapping option (scala page 2)
where one can select the kind of mapping : continuous to keyboard

it is explained in the pfm 2 manual :

The last option Map is set to Keyboard by default. In this mode, it will always make a C starting each scale. This is relevant for scales with number of notes different from 12. The keyboard mode makes scales easier to play on… keyboard.
‘Continuous’ option will start each next scale right after the previous one is finished, which make it harder to play on keyboard, but can be usefull with other kind of midi controller.