preenfm2 and preenfm3 / Re: paraphonic effects
« on: October 22, 2023, 01:52:28 PM »
Hello Xavier,
great news !
i added a new commit on the initial PR, to tame the clicks on fx change, transition is now cleaner :
to resume the PR, i would list as this :
Two new granular fx : gra1 (Size, Spread) & gra2 (Pitch, Spread), those go in loop mode when Spread param = 1
Flange, Chorus, Dim rework : now have their own lfo
Dim rework : param2 is now mid/side param, 0 = mono, 0.5 = regular stereo, 1 = expanded stereo
Chorus rework : param2 control the amount for a second faster lfo ("Vibr" for vibrato)
Envelope display bug fix : no init on mixer load
FILTER_CRUSHER bug fix : no init on fx change
I found a bug that i could not fix for now : Fx1 has wrong type in timbre1 on default mixer load, only on synth start, not in manual load.
great news !
i added a new commit on the initial PR, to tame the clicks on fx change, transition is now cleaner :
to resume the PR, i would list as this :
Two new granular fx : gra1 (Size, Spread) & gra2 (Pitch, Spread), those go in loop mode when Spread param = 1
Flange, Chorus, Dim rework : now have their own lfo
Dim rework : param2 is now mid/side param, 0 = mono, 0.5 = regular stereo, 1 = expanded stereo
Chorus rework : param2 control the amount for a second faster lfo ("Vibr" for vibrato)
Envelope display bug fix : no init on mixer load
FILTER_CRUSHER bug fix : no init on fx change
I found a bug that i could not fix for now : Fx1 has wrong type in timbre1 on default mixer load, only on synth start, not in manual load.